Friday, 23 May 2014

A night of success for UKIP

UKIP has seen some amazing results overnight in the local elections, depriving the Tories of control of a couple of councils in Essex and making big gains in several councils.

The result everyone will be talking about this morning is Rotherham where UKIP gained won 10 seats, becoming the opposition party. Had the whole council been up for election rather than being elected by thirds, UKIP would probably be in control of the council this morning.

Essex is the big success story of the night with UKIP taking a plethora of seats in Southend, Thurrock, Basildon and Castle Point and depriving the Conservatives of control of two councils and their leaders.

UKIP also won seats in Dudley, Sandwell and Cannock Chase. Husband and wife duo Bill Etheridge who is third on the MEP list for the West Midlands and Star Etheridge who is UKIP's disability spokeswoman both won council seats yesterday.

You can keep up to date with results as we get them on the Bloggers4UKIP Facebook page.

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Well said Wonkotsane. This a brilliant start. But not many results are in yet. Things will get even better later on.

The is a day for all British Patriots to puff out their chests, and stand tall. I am a foot taller than yesterday.

The Purple Peril is on the march. Come and join the people the peoples army. The bugles are calling.
Wonkotsane I love the way the votes are being counted.

This morning UKIP got a blaze of publicity. With our magnificent chairman Steve Crowther getting on TV.

All through he day results will be trickling in giving UKIP even more good publicity.

Tomorrow all the newspapers will be discussing the local election results.

Then on Sunday the EU Election count begins and this wonderful publicity will start all over again.

This is really is a wonderful time to be a British Patriot.
Wonkotsane what is making UKIP do so well in 2014.

Only 4 years ago UKIP got about 3% in the 2010 General Election. The UKIP policies have not changed.

In 2010 the UKIP message fell on deaf ears. Now the UKIP message is received with joy.

In my opinion it is the work of all the little people all doing their bit. The little people have worked for 20 years to get these results. Every little helps. Every leaflet put out. Every small donation to the party. Every letter published in the press. Every comment published on the internet.

Nigel Farage is a briliant leader but he could not have done it without the little people working away in the background. Well done all the little people.
One of the reasons the UKIP message is resonating better with the public is that the message has become more patriotic. Passing sovereignty over to the European Union is treason.

The three immigrationist parties all want an EU Federal Superstate. They are all campaigning for the destruction of our Motherland. 75% of British law is already made by the EU. There is very little British sovereignty left.

UKIP is fighting for an independent Britain. We want our country back. We want to make our own laws. We want to protect our own borders. We dont need the EU to tell us what we can do, and what we cannot do. We are the patriots. Anyone that loves their country has to support UKIP. There is no altenative.

For a British Patriot there is no alternative to UKIP. Come and join the peoples army. Vote for UKIP.
Wonkotsane when people come to a blog or forum they want to see comments and discussion taking place. If visitors see lots of discussion taking place the feel that it is alive. Please make some of your points as discussion if the subjects are related. Before you launch new topics, see if the point can be made via discussion within an existing topic. It is intense debate that brings blogs and forums alive.
Patriotism is on the rise. This is why UKIP is doing well in these elections.

The Pfizer bid for AstraZenica ran into a brick wall of patriotism. People are tired of great industries in this country being destroyed by asset strippers. They was a cross party demand for British industry to be protected from these hostile attacks and foreign takerovers.

It seem there were no laws to stop the takeover of AstraZenica, but nevertheless patriotism managed to block the asset strippers in their tracks. Patriotism can be a great force. Public opinion can have force even when it is not backed up by British law.

It is this same patriotic force that is carrying UKIP to victory in these EU Elections. People love this country. People see UKIP as the only party will to defend our Motherland. Come and support the peoples army.
It is mid day on Friday 23rd May 2014 and UKIP have got 92 councillors.

92 is a great result. Only half the votes have been counted.

Things will get better as the day goes on. This is a great day for British Patriots.

Come and join the peoples army.
Oh happy day!!! And here's to an even happier one on Monday after the euro results are in. A pint all round!
2 replies · active 565 weeks ago
Steve I am starting to think about preparing for the 2015 General Election. With this in mind I got a letter printed in my local paper today. It was a reply to a letter from a named person. But for the purposes of this blog I will call that person your correspondent.

Your correspondent on 22nd May 2014 raises some legitimate concerns regarding the possibility of Turkey joining the European Union.

The three old parties are all pressing hard for Turkey to join the EU.

But no regard has been given as the how this might affect immigration into Britain from Turkey.

There is only one party in Britain that genuinely believes that we should have controlled immigration.
Wonkotsane I run a little writers circle to promote UKIP. We meet every week. We had six letters published in the last two weeks in out local paper. Here is an example of one published just before the election. Our local paper dont print political letters during elections so we have to promote UKIP in a subtle way.


Two dangerous prisoners have absconded recently while out on day release from prison.

At least one of the escaped prisoners was serving a life sentence for murder.

This follows hard on the heels of another murderer known as the skull crusher who went on the run while out on day release just a few weeks ago.

It is a mystery why dangerous murderers serving life sentences are being let out on day release.

Many people are starting to believe that Britain is soft on crime.
Wonkotsane here is a nice little letter that my writers circle got printed just before the elections on 22nd May 2014. During elections we are not allowed to write political letters so we try to promote UKIP in a subtle way.


Surging house prices suggest that interest rates are now too low.

A dangerous housing price bubble is building up especially in London.

When the bubble bursts we could find ourselves in another financial crisis just like 2008.

A rise in interest rates is required too cool down the houing market.

Surging house prices are a threat to achieving a sustained economic recovery.
Wonkotsane I dont understand why some areas have not yet finished counting their votes.

Its Saturday and 11 areas have not yet issued their results.

I cannot see why it should take so long to get the results out.
Steve by first thing Saturday morning UKIP had won 157 council seats.

This a very good day for UKIP. But there are 11 areas yet to announce results.

So the figure could yet get even higher. This is a day to rejoice. The taste if victory is sweet.
Wonkotsane there is lovely picture of a very happy Nigel Farage on the front page of todays Daily Express.

The caption underneath says UKIP READY TO CONQUER EUROPE
The Daily Mail has an exstatic Nigel Farage on its front page - The savaging if red ED

The shadow cabinet turn on Miliband as Labour pays the price for ignoring UKIP
The i Newspaper has a serene Nigel Farage on its front page drinking a pint of beer.

The Daily Telegraph has a big UKIP front page story

Surge by UKIP puts Labour into poll crisis
The Independent Newspaper has huge picture of a serene Nigel Farage drinking a pint.

Nigel crashes the parties
Wonkotsane UKIP has had a very good set of local election results.

But the publciity UKIP has got from it, has been absolutely enormous.

I have been a UKIP supporter for about 10 years.

We have never had publicity anything like this before. Everybody is talking about UKIP.
Steve today is Sunday and we are looking forward to the count of the EU Election votes.

I am wondering how it will be received because the public are a bit exhausted with politics.

Everyone is talking about UKIP.
Stuart tonight will be a big night for UKIP. We count the EU Election votes tonight.

A good result will push UKIP back onto the front pages of the mass media.

What happens tonight will affect what happens in the General Election 2015.
One small step for UKIP. One giant leap forward for British Patriots.

But lets not think that tonight is just about British Patriots. Patriotism is on the rise all across Europe.

There is a great patriotic surge in France and Denmark and many other EU Countries.

Of course every patriotic party will have different views and policies.

But we are all united in our hatred of the European Union and wanting more indepencence for our countries.

All across Europe patriotism is on the rise. This is a great time to be a British Patriot.

The Purple Peril is on the march. Come and join the peoples army. Let freedom and democracy be our cry.

The LibDems are the party of IN

But the voters think they are the party of OUT

And voted 307 LibDem councillors OUT.
Beat to Quarters. Newark is the next battle for British Patriots.

Wont you come along and go. Wont you come along and go.

Your country is a calling. Cant you hear the bugles blow.

Wont you come along and go.

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