Congratulations to UKIP's Cllr Henry Reilly who has been re-elected in the Mournes.
Not only did Henry secure re-election, he came top of the list for the ward with 1,964 first preference votes. Henry is also UKIP's candidate for Northern Ireland in the EU election.
Elections in Northern Ireland are conducted under the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system where candidates are ranked in order of preference and the least popular candidates are eliminated in a series of rounds based on first preference, second preference, third preference, etc. It's almost impossible to predict without seeing the ballot papers and having a really good memory because the lowest scoring survivor from one round can be the highest scoring in the next.
Friday, 23 May 2014
UKIP NI Cllr Henry Reilly re-elected
Cllr Henry Reilly,
Northern Ireland
UKIP NI Cllr Henry Reilly re-elected
Cllr Henry Reilly|Elections|Northern Ireland|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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UKIP NI Cllr Henry Reilly re-elected
Cllr Henry Reilly|Elections|Northern Ireland|
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
Not only did Henry Reilly secure re-election, he came top of the list for the ward with 1,964 first preference votes.
Henry Reilly is also UKIP's candidate for Northern Ireland in the EU election.
While I wish Henry well in the EU Election my guess is that the DUP is the dominant force in Northern Ireland.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
Triumphant UKIP draws up hit list of 20 seats to storm the Commons.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
Tories press PM to call early EU vote.
This is very good news because the Times has never been a patriotic newspaper.
And the Times has been quite hostile towards UKIP of late.