Guido is reporting that BBC elections hack Jasmine Lawrence has been relieved of her duties for the elections this week.
BBC News Channel deputy editor Lawrence has been posting anti-UKIP comments on Twitter during the election period despite the obvious need to appear non-partisan, especially when the BBC have been slated for institutional left wing bias.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Anti-UKIP BBC editor relieved of election duties
BBC Bias,
Jasmine Lawrence
Anti-UKIP BBC editor relieved of election duties
BBC Bias|Jasmine Lawrence|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Anti-UKIP BBC editor relieved of election duties
BBC Bias|Jasmine Lawrence|
D. WAGSTAFF · 566 weeks ago
Achilles · 566 weeks ago
Will the editor Lawerence still get her wages. I think so. The BBC are very gererous regards wages.
Many people working at the BBC get absolutely massive wages and all paid for by the TV licence.
Achilles · 566 weeks ago
Come and join the peoples army and sweep them away.
Harry · 566 weeks ago
Achilles · 566 weeks ago
All the British establisment support totally uncontrolled mass immigration into Britain.
semipartisansam 55p · 565 weeks ago
Are we really supposed to believe that when she walks into the BBC offices on Monday morning, Jasmine Lawrence will take off her scornful, UKIP-hating hat and put on her cap of unblemished impartiality, and that the decisions she makes regarding story selection, focusing of time and resources, determining which guests to interview, lines of questioning and other matters will not be influenced by the same sentiments that prompted her to call UKIP supporters white, middle aged sexists and racists? Give me a break.
There's no harm in submitting more complaints to the BBC online just to make it more awkward for them.