Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Dan Hodges and the Cultural Terrorism of the Metropolitan Elite

The perception of “London” – by which I really mean the Metropolitan elite -  as  culturally and economically a place apart has been growing for some time now, but it has surely now really crystallised in the public minds over the last few weeks as to just how far removed from the rest of Britain it really is. The orchestrated smear campaign against UKIP was one of the most peculiar and grotesque things I have seen in all my years in watching politics, but also one of the most revealing. Before our eyes the faux competition and petty rivalries between different wings of the Establishment melted away as they all began to sing from the same hymn sheet.

That hymn was a hymn of hate against UKIP, with every smear possible dredged up in a desperate attempt to stop our advance. By extension it was an attack on anyone sympathetic to UKIP’s views. It reached its nadir in the articles of the Telegraph’s Dan Hodges. Accusing UKIP as being a racist party on the ground that UKIP wanted to limit European immigration, his utterances became ever more demented as time went on. Yesterday’s article reached new depths by accusing UKIP of wanting a “culture war’ with London, adding for good measure how superior he felt to the UKIP-voting classes.

However, Hodges distasteful contempt does show a wider, if painful truth: we have to recognise that much of London and the rest of us have what parting couples call “irreconcilable differences” and agree terms of separation.

London has become the mecca for the international sovereign individual. Often but not always particularly wealthy, they compromise highly educated and mobile people whose skills are very much in demand and have, if anything, too many opportunities rather than too few.  The congratulate themselves on their diversity, and yet their cultural standpoints are remarkably homogenous; essentially rootless, this gilded minority think only in terms of the future, never the past, and only ever consider relocating to other international elite cities rather than somewhere more parochial: anyone overhearing conversations on the tube in London is much more likely to hear reference to relocating to San Francisco or Paris rather than they are Leeds or Edinburgh.

To these people, the very concept of nationhood is hopelessly outmoded and ergo discrimination on the basis of nationality is as ridiculous as discrimination on the basis of race: in their minds, the very word racist has mutated to cover either case. Dan Hodges outburst that UKIP must be a “racist” party for wanting to limit European immigration makes perfect sense from this standpoint.

However, what Hodges and his ilk cannot comprehend is that nationality and nationhood confer definite social advantages whereas true racism does not. A common culture that allows for a degree of shared sacrifice is an obvious one, but also is the feeling that your life is part of a greater whole, a shared endeavour.

Even if we shoot for the stars, most of us end living fairly humdrum lives, and we console ourselves that in our small way we are contributing the life of the society around us: carrying the torch from our fathers generation before handing it on to our children. What comes to matter to most of us in the end is “Faith, Family and Flag”, as Phillip Glasman, the author of “Blue Labour” presciently put it. In a world of huge and persistent inequalities, where people can easily made to feel failures if they are not millionaires, to deny people the sense of meaning that comes with nationhood and identity is both cruel and psychologically deeply harmful. However, that is anathema to the atomised, constantly churning world preferred by the elites, and imposition of that elite culture on the unwilling majority is increasingly seen by the rest of us as nothing less than a form of cultural terrorism. 

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Andrew Cadman thank you for your article about how UKIP was attacked in London during the election.

Mass immigrationists are mad and very very very dangerous.

Support uncontrolled for mass immigration makes not sense at all.

Mass immigration makes no sense the only way to beat us is to shout racist every time we speak.

We have logic on our side and we can win any argument put against us.

Shouting racist at us, is all they have to say in reply

235,000 votes went astray duing that election. People voted for AN INDEPENDENCE PARTY by mistake.

This party was approved by the Electoral Commission. It was an attempt to weaken UKIP. It was a dirty trick.

This name should never have been allowed. The aim was to sabotage the UKIP vote.

Luckily the vote for UKIP was so huge that that UKIP could withstand this dirty trick by the Electoral Commission

As the results came in I noticed that each region gave about 20,000 votes to AN INDEPENCENCE PARTY.

This means that UKIP should have won many more MEPs. We were robbed.

We must fight this evil ruling elite with every bone in our bodies.

Come and join the peoples army. Fight for freedom and democracy.
235,000 votes went to AN INDEPENDENCE PARTY.

That is about 20,000 per region.

This would have added 1.5% to the UKIP vote and put us on about 29%.

This would have given us more MEPs.
Party leaders are due to set out their response to the UK Independence Party's victory in the European elections.

Prime Minister David Cameron will travel to Brussels for an informal dinner with other EU leaders where the election results will be discussed
There is some very good analysis on this link.

For example I noticed that the BNP have gone down to 1%.

Does this mean that the BNP is officially dead.

1% is a waste of time.
Tony Blair urges Labour to take on Ukip over immigration and EU - The Guardian
European elections 2014: Party leaders to set out response to Ukip victory - The Independent
UKIP leader Nigel Farage condemns David Cameron for "breaking a solemn promise to the British people to get net annual immigration down to the tens of thousands"
The EU Elections were not the end of the UKIP campaign.

The EU Elections are just the start of the UKIP long term campaign.

If we are to win some Westminster elections we must gain more momentum.

We must redouble out efforts to fight the supporters of uncontrolled mass immigration into Britain.

The Purple Peril is on the march. We must fight shoulder to shoulder for freedom and democracy.

All British Patriots must campaign to save our Motherland. Come and join the peoples army.
LibDems are the party of IN

But the voters think they are the party of OUT

And threw the LibDems OUT in large numbers in the local and EU Elections.

Nick Clegg is the leader everyone wants OUT. Everyone wants Nick Clegg OUT as LibDem leader..

Nick Clegg is leading his party to total wipeout.
The Newark by-election was triggered by former Conservative MP Patrick Mercer's resignation over a lobbying scandal.

The full list of candidates, in alphabetical order by surname, is:

Baggaley, Paul Stephen - Independent
Bishop, David Laurence - Bus-Pass Elvis Party
Brick, Nick The Flying - The Official Monster Raving Loony Party
Hayes, Andy - Independent
Helmer, Roger - UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Jenrick, Robert Edward - The Conservative Party
Kirwan, David Charles - Green Party
Payne, Michael - Labour Party
Rodgers, Dick - Stop Commercial Banks Owning Britain's Money
Watts, David Kenneth - Liberal Democrat
Woods, Lee - Patriotic Socialist Party
The Newark by-election is a forthcoming by-election in the Newark constituency of the British House of Commons, due to be held on 5 June 2014.

The by-election was caused by Patrick Mercer's resignation as MP for Newark, after it was decided to suspend him from Parliament for six months.
Roger Helmer (born 25 January 1944 in London) is a British business executive and politician and a United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Member of the European Parliament for the East Midlands region.

He was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 as a Conservative Party MEP, and re-elected in 2004 and 2009. In March 2012 he defected from the Conservatives to UKIP.
UKIP recorded an historic win in the European Elections, results confirmed last night, returning 24 MEPs, almost double its number of MEPs from 2009, with counting still to be concluded in Northern Ireland.
The UKIP surge continues to gain momentum. I used to call it a bandwaggon. But it has got bigger than that. Its more like a steam roller. But what ever you call it the momentum is growing. The speed is increasing. And the smoke is coming off the wheels.

The UKIP steam roller is now heading flat out towards the Newark by-election. This is a big ask. A 16,000 majority will not easily be overturned. But these are not normal circumstances. The Purple Peril is on the march. Long live the peoples army.
I feel sorry for poor Nick Clegg, his entire party are blaming him for not getting the message across. The problem is
their message is wrong not the messenger. We do not want mass immigration. we want to govern ourselves and we should not need to ask permission to live and make our own laws. The 3 main parties have become so out of touch. They believe they are morally better than those they are there to serve not govern. We have given them the responsibility to look after the country not to dictate how we live. this is not their mandate. We can not grow if we don't make mistakes Government is not a parent.
1 reply · active 565 weeks ago
This is a very good post from Martin. I too cannot help feeling sorry for Nick Clegg.

Nick Clegg has been given the task of supporting mass immigration. It is a poison chalice. The philosphy of mass immigration has no merit. The voters took one sip of this poison chalice and spat it out.

The LibDems are the party of IN

But the voters think they are the party of OUT.

And promptly voted them OUT.

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