Now all the celebrations have started to die down, it is time to reflect on how UKIP's triumph in the local and latterly European elections will affect our political culture going forward.
There is finally evidence that the political class is facing up to the fact, however reluctantly, that is rule is widely despised and major change is inevitable.
Perhaps the most insightful comment came, surprisingly, from the Liberal Democrats Lynn Featherstone, who rightly observed that the political classes seemed to have "lost their humanity" from the perspective of the average voter. Such an admission was quite a turn-up from Featherstone, who only a few months ago was castigating those of us who were, and are, against gay marriage as mere bigots. I look forward to her apology, but I won't hold my breath.
However, a better world than "humanity" to use would perhaps have been "humility". And therein lies the problem for the Political Class - it never had any humility in the first place. If we were talking about a group of people who had been in power and had just become corrupted over time, as all who spend too long in power tend to do, then the problem would be reasonably soluble: spend a period in the wilderness where they could lick their wounds and reconnect with the electorate.
Instead, the problems for the Political Class go much, much deeper. We are talking about a group of people so monstrously vain and arrogant that they went straight into politics as a career with no proper experience of life at all. Moreover, most of this repulsive group lack the skills to do much else with their stunted lives. For them to have a damascene conversion and realise the terrible error of their ways and resign from public life would be welcome but is hardly likely. No doubt they and the legacy parties they represent will strive to reconnect with the voters they have so completely alienated, but such reconnection is impossible because it implies there was ever a connection between this remote group and the rest of us in the first place.
Politics is perhaps the one career where to do a good job you should have done something else entirely different first, and for a considerable time. These people simply have no hinterland, no experience of life to draw, or a career to fall back upon after politics. For these reasons the Political Class leopard's will never really change their spots, and they will fight like tigers (or leopards) to retain the power of privilege of the only world most of them have ever known.
Unfortunately, we will continue to be lumbered with them for sometime yet as they enter their twilight years after so very long in the noon day sun.
Monday, 26 May 2014
UKIP May Have Caused An Earthquake, But Political Class Leopard's Will Never Change Their Spots
UKIP May Have Caused An Earthquake, But Political Class Leopard's Will Never Change Their Spots
Andrew Cadman

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About the author:
Andrew Cadman is UKIP member and self-confessed "middle-aged geek".
Andrew tweets as @andrew_cadman.

Andrew tweets as @andrew_cadman.
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UKIP May Have Caused An Earthquake, But Political Class Leopard's Will Never Change Their Spots
Andrew Cadman
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
All this talk about a protest vote totally misses the point.
People are concerned about the EU and mass immigraiton.
These issues wont go away. Long live the peoples army.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
This is the first time that UKIP have ever won an election in Scotland.
This shows that UKIP can win votes anywhere in the UK.
Come and joing the peoples army. Vote UKIP.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
But the voters think they are the party of OUT.
So we voted most of them OUT.
Now there is a campaign to try to get Nick Clegg OUT.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
The UKIP win of a Scottish MEP puts UKIP on a total 24 MEPs.
This is the icing on the cake. The publicity from all this is enormous.
This has set us up nicely for the Newark Westminster by-election in two weeks time.
This started as a bandwaggon. But it has become a steamroller.
Come and join the peoples army.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
That was the comment made by Jeremy Vine on the BBCNews.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
We must all work together to help destroy the European Union.
This is a great time to be a British Patriot. Come and join the peoples army.
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
Achilles · 565 weeks ago
We must defend what little manufacturing capability we have left.
The British economy should be rebalanced towards manufactuing.
When David Campbell-Bannerman was with UKIP this was our number one industrial policy.
I contacted David Campbell-Bannerman and pushed these ideas.
But since he left UKIP, rebalancing the British economy has slipped out of UKIP policy.
I think UKIP have now forgotten my ideas on rebalancing the British economy towards making things.