The disgraced Police & Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire, Shaun Wright, has resigned from the Labour Party but is refusing to resign as PCC.
The former Labour councillor was responsible for the social services department of Rotherham Borough Council for five years while it facilitated the rape and abuse of 1,400 vulnerable children. Nobody at Rotherham Borough Council has been punished for their criminal neglect, nor have the police launched an investigation into the staff and councillors who knew about the abuse but failed to act on it.
Shaun Wright's position is simply untenable and if he had a shred of decency in him he would have resigned as soon as the report came out instead of clinging on, maintaining the pretence that he still has credibility in the role.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Shaun Wright refuses to resign over Rotherham child abuse report
Shaun Wright
Shaun Wright refuses to resign over Rotherham child abuse report
PCC|Rotherham|Shaun Wright|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Shaun Wright refuses to resign over Rotherham child abuse report
PCC|Rotherham|Shaun Wright|
Achilles · 552 weeks ago
Heads should roll over this disaster.