The Labour Mayor of Salford, Ian Stewart, is facing an investigation into a secret bail out deal for the Salford Red Devils rugby league team.
The Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and the council's Monitoring Officer came to an agreement in 2013 to bail out the rugby club without informing the Chief Executive of the council and without minuting the meeting so it wouldn't go to the Scrutiny Panel. Three days later the Monitoring Officer took voluntary severance, he was paid £129k severance pay and his next month's salary a month early and a few weeks later he was working as a consultant for Salford Red Devils rugby club.
The Labour councillors who control the council's Scrutiny Committee blocked an independent investigation and voted to accept a wishy washy internal report instead.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Labour Mayor of Salford facing malfeasance investigation
Mayor Ian Stewart,
Labour Mayor of Salford facing malfeasance investigation
Labour|Mayor Ian Stewart|Salford|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Labour Mayor of Salford facing malfeasance investigation
Labour|Mayor Ian Stewart|Salford|
Achilles · 552 weeks ago
Such thing dont usually get a mention in the press unless they are UKIP of course.