I firmly believe that Scotland's place is in the UK and I do not believe in powers for power's sake.
For example, I think power should be devolved from Holyrood to communities. But colleagues need to realise that the focus of Scottish politics is now Holyrood, not Westminster.
There is a danger of Scottish politics being between two sets of dinosaurs … the Nationalists who can’t accept they were rejected by the people, and some colleagues at Westminster who think nothing has changed.
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Scottish Labour leader resigns calling party "dinosaurs"
The leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Johann Lamont, has resigned from the post describing both the British Labour Party and the SNP as "dinosaurs".
Johann Lamont MSP,
Scottish Labour leader resigns calling party "dinosaurs"
Johann Lamont MSP|Labour|Scotland|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Scottish Labour leader resigns calling party "dinosaurs"
Johann Lamont MSP|Labour|Scotland|
ukip2win 36p · 542 weeks ago
His hamfisted actions in ousting Ms Lamont the crass way he did and the imposition by London of its puppet Jim Murphy has went down like a lead balloon with the Scottish voters who have flocked to the SNP over the head of it.
Its just fortuitious that the referendum isnt this week or Cameron and Red Ed would both be having another very very bad day having caused the disintegration of the UK
On a brighter note the UKIP comet has just entered the atmosphere and the three lumbering dinosaurs of Westminister have uncomprehendingly seen its brilliance light up their primeval sky. They lumber on totally unaware of whats about to hit them!!