Two Conservative Councillors in Dudley have defected to the Labour Party.
Cllrs Glenis Simms and Cheryl Billingham have both resigned from the Conservative Party and joined Labour, claiming that the Tories are only interested in the elite and are out of touch with ordinary residents.
There have been a few defections from Conservatives to Labour recently which shows what a leap to the left the Tories have taken and Labour to the right. Pretty soon they'll meet each other in the middle and be as vague and wishy washy as the Lib Dems!
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Dudley Conservatives defect to Labour
Dudley Conservatives defect to Labour
Cllr Cheryl Billingham|Cllr Glenis Simms|Conservatives|Defections|Dudley|Labour|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Dudley Conservatives defect to Labour
Cllr Cheryl Billingham|Cllr Glenis Simms|Conservatives|Defections|Dudley|Labour|
Kev · 542 weeks ago
Saying that the reason for leaving is that the Torys are out of touch and then joining Cheap Labour is about as near as you can get to self certification of insanity
More to do with Local Elections and them trying to keep hold of their pocket money I think