The Department for Communities & Local Government have intervened in Tower Hamlets after a report by PriceWaterhouseCooper found evidence of fraud, corruption, nepotism and a strong bias toward the borough's Bangladeshi population.
Bangladeshi mayor, Lutfur Rahman, was re-elected as mayor in what was widely accepted as a rigged election. PWC found that he had personally intervened in grant applications and the award of contracts, overturning officers' recommendations and giving taxpayers' money to organisations that didn't meet the basic criteria to receive grants. They found that in 81% of grants, officers' recommendations were ignored and more than £400k of taxpayers' money was given to ineligible organisations.
Announcing the decision to appoint a chief executive and three commissioners to run the council, Eric Pickles told parliament that Rahman is running Tower Hamlets Council like a "medieval monarch" and accused him of abusing taxpayers' money and sowing division.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
DCLG appoint chief executive and commissioners to run Tower Hamlets
Eric Pickles MP,
Lutfur Rahman,
Tower Hamlets
DCLG appoint chief executive and commissioners to run Tower Hamlets
Eric Pickles MP|Lutfur Rahman|Tower Hamlets|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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DCLG appoint chief executive and commissioners to run Tower Hamlets
Eric Pickles MP|Lutfur Rahman|Tower Hamlets|
Kev · 541 weeks ago
Where are the gay and feminist activists now , where are the anti Nazi's and the rest that rail against all things unequal , where are the Christians who scream for women bishops but fail to mention or call for female Imans
where are those that campaign that women have the right to join a Golf course but say nothing about them not being allowed in the mosque on Friday
Where are all this people