Only last week David Cameron was refusing to pay the "outrageous" £1.7bn bill the EU is demanding. This week George Osbourne was saying that we're going to pay but we're not going to pay it all. Yesterday he declared victory by paying the full amount.
The EU was demanding a £1.7bn payment to cover the extra amount we would have paid in membership fees since 1995 if they'd included prostitution and drug dealing in their calculations of the size of the UK economy like they are now. George Osborne has brought forward £1bn of next year's rebate to take £850m off the £1.7bn bill so it's still costing us £1.7bn.
While the Tories have been trying to spin this as a victory, the EU have said that this was the amount we were supposed to be paying and Osborne has achieved nothing. If they think we're going to be taken in by some dodgy maths, the Tories must think we're as stupid as they are!
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Osborne declares victory over paying EU's £1.7bn bill
EU Membership Fee,
George Osborne
Osborne declares victory over paying EU's £1.7bn bill
DAVID CAMERON|EU Membership Fee|George Osborne|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Osborne declares victory over paying EU's £1.7bn bill
DAVID CAMERON|EU Membership Fee|George Osborne|
kinfree1 30p · 541 weeks ago
It is a tale of fanaticism, the power of money, corruption, intimidation. psychological manipulation and how propaganda works to deceive a population, professionals and politicians (“to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it” aka 'engineering of consent'). But this is not a work of fiction - it is all true and very appropriate at this time of year given that the 'passive-rauchen' foundations were laid down over 70 years ago!…/anti-sm...
It is another part of the 'unraveling' of traditional, 'experts driven' politics and the ease in which they have been influenced at the expense of the public whom they are supposed to represent;
Kev · 541 weeks ago
Next you will be saying that CAST IRON DAVE will not give us a Referendum
I don't know what this country is becoming when we cannot trust the TORY party