The Chairman of Waveney District Council has joined UKIP.
Cllr Peter Collecott made the announcement yesterday and is standing for re-election as a UKIP candidate in May.
Cllr Collecott is a popular councillor in his ward of Ouleton and well respected on the district council. He was voted Chairman of the council for the third time in 2013 which is unusual for an independent. He has been a councillor since 1975.
Friday, 10 April 2015
Chairman of Waveney District Council joins UKIP
Cllr Peter Collecott,
Chairman of Waveney District Council joins UKIP
Cllr Peter Collecott|Ouleton|Waveney|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Chairman of Waveney District Council joins UKIP
Cllr Peter Collecott|Ouleton|Waveney|
@Kin_El · 517 weeks ago
These issues are indeed important but I suggest they are not the main reasons why most people have become increasingly dissatisfied with traditional politics today.
Dr Patrick Basham outlines what I believe are the central issues - the issues that the main parties are all fully signed up to follow, but don't want to talk about (except UKIP), and why many people (not just 'V') are saying; "There is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?"
"Nanny State: Bad for Taxpayers, Public Health and your Freedoms - Dr Patrick Basham"
Should UKIP not be pushing this aspect of their election campaign?