The UKIP parliamentary candidate for Louth & Horncastle, Colin Mair, has been targeted by fraudsters who have set up a fake Twitter account and website to post offensive material in his name.
Party officials have managed to get the Twitter account suspended but taking down the website is taking longer.
There is evidence that this is the work of convicted internet troll and former Conservative Party activist, Joshua Bonehill-Paine who was recently spared jail after being convicted of malicious communications and harassment.
Friday, 10 April 2015
Internet trolls attack UKIP candidate Colin Mair
Colin Mair,
Internet Trolls,
Louth & Horncastle
Internet trolls attack UKIP candidate Colin Mair
Colin Mair|Internet Trolls|Louth & Horncastle|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Internet trolls attack UKIP candidate Colin Mair
Colin Mair|Internet Trolls|Louth & Horncastle|