A Conservative councillor who resigned suddenly in May has been under investigation for child sex offences.
Matthew Lock resigned as leader of the Conservative group on Hastings Borough Council in December and then as a councillor last month citing personal problems and ill health. However, it transpires that he was arrested on suspicion of inciting a 15 year old boy to commit sexual activity last year and is on police bail until August.
He has been suspended by the Scout Association with whom he was a volunteer.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Conservative councillor who resigned over "personal problems" is under investigation for child sex offences
Child Abuse,
Matthew Lock,
Sex Offences
Conservative councillor who resigned over "personal problems" is under investigation for child sex offences
Child Abuse|Conservatives|Hastings|Matthew Lock|Sex Offences|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Conservative councillor who resigned over "personal problems" is under investigation for child sex offences
Child Abuse|Conservatives|Hastings|Matthew Lock|Sex Offences|