Sunday, 8 November 2015
Lest we forget
Remembrance Day
Lest we forget
Remembrance Day|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Lest we forget
Remembrance Day|
Bucks_Pensioner 72p · 487 weeks ago
As I stood there I thought about two things. Firstly, what a mess our governments have made of this country since WW2; was this what our Service men and women fought for? Did our soldiers over the centuries since Agincourt, fight France, Spain, Germany and Italy only now to surrender to those countries by belonging to the EU.
And secondly, who do we have who could inspire and lead this country in the event of a war or other major disaster? I can't think of any politician today whom we would trust and whom would inspire us as Churchill did.