Brent Council is advertising for a chauffeur and silver polisher with a £30k salary at the same time as it is planning £95m of cuts to services over the next four years.
The 36 hour a week job involves driving around the Labour mayor, Cllr Lesley Jones and polishing the silver in the mayor's parlour.
Brent Council last year refused to pay for a 97 year old prisoner of war camp survivor to have care in his home because of budgetary restrictions. Good to see they've got their priorities right.
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
Brent Council advertising for £30k chauffeur and silver polisher
Brent Council,
Silver Polisher
Brent Council advertising for £30k chauffeur and silver polisher
Brent Council|Chauffeur|Labour|Silver Polisher|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Brent Council advertising for £30k chauffeur and silver polisher
Brent Council|Chauffeur|Labour|Silver Polisher|