A Conservative councillor in Fareham has been charged with benefit fraud.
Hampshire county councillor, George Ringrow, has appeared before magistrates to answer two charges of benefit fraud amounting to £32k.
Cllr Ringrow is county councillor for Fareham Town on Hampshire County Council, sits on a number of committees including (ironically) the council's audit committee and sits on the Portsmouth Diocesan Synod.
Friday, 5 February 2016
Fareham Conservative councillor charged with benefit fraud
Benefits Fraud,
Cllr George Ringrow,
Fareham Conservative councillor charged with benefit fraud
Benefits Fraud|Cllr George Ringrow|Fareham|Hampshire|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Fareham Conservative councillor charged with benefit fraud
Benefits Fraud|Cllr George Ringrow|Fareham|Hampshire|