Racist Labour MP, Diane Abbott, has accused all 17,410,742 people who voted to Leave the EU of being stupid and racist.
This comes after a campaigner for the trade union front, Hate not Hope, told delegates at the Labour Party conference that working class people are racist but they have to talk to them to win elections.
Abbott later tried to backtrack, claiming she was just saying that Brexit isn't an excuse to racial abuse people. Because that's what we all spend our time doing now in Diane "white people love to play divide and rule" Abbott's mind.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Diane Abbott accuses 17.4m Leave voters of being stupid and racist
Diane Abbott,
Diane Abbott accuses 17.4m Leave voters of being stupid and racist
Diane Abbott|Racism|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Diane Abbott accuses 17.4m Leave voters of being stupid and racist
Diane Abbott|Racism|