Former soldier, Dickie Bird (no, not Dickie off the cricket), has been selected as UKIP's candidate for the Witney by-election.
Dickie served in the Royal Green Jackets (now the Rifles) in Oxfordshire for 20 years and was an Oxford College porter, a respected and highly sought after job. He is not believed to have been a porter there when David Cameron had his porcine encounter.
Overturning the Conservative Party's 25k majority will be an epic task, not to mention a potential record breaker. Witney is about as safe as it gets for the Tories so it will be interesting to see if the poll advantage the Tories have courtesy of Jeremy Corbyn's disastrous leadership of the Labour Party translates into actual votes.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Dickie Bird selected as UKIP candidate for Witney by-election
Dickie Bird,
Dickie Bird selected as UKIP candidate for Witney by-election
By-election|Dickie Bird|Witney|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Dickie Bird selected as UKIP candidate for Witney by-election
By-election|Dickie Bird|Witney|