Donald Trump has told the Times that a trade deal with the UK will be a priority when he takes office this week.
He said that the UK is "doing great" after the referendum and that we are "smart" to be getting out of the EU. He went on to say that whilst Barack Obama had said that the UK would be at the "back of the queue" we would, in fact, be at the "front of the line". Obama's statement was believed to have been requested by Project Fear as an American would say "back of the line".
Trump's promise that the UK will be a priority for a trade deal has prompted a swift response from the EU who have said that they won't allow negotiations to even start until after we leave.
What are they going to do? Chuck us out?
Monday, 16 January 2017
Donald Trump says UK trade deal is his priority
Donald Trump
Donald Trump says UK trade deal is his priority
Donald Trump|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Donald Trump says UK trade deal is his priority
Donald Trump|
Bucks_Pensioner 72p · 427 weeks ago
The problem is that all the EU countries would never be able to agree amongst themselves on such a course of action. The French negotiator-in-chief has already suggested that France needs access the London's financial markets and I don't think the German car makers would be too happy if they couldn't sell us their cars.
Mrs May has by far the best hand, let's hope she plays her cards wisely unlike Cameron who revealed his hand in advance.
Robert · 427 weeks ago