Far left rag, the Huffington Post, is reporting Tory sources saying that they have conceded Stoke Central and are putting all their resources into Copeland instead.
Apparently, the Tories believe that it is "inconceivable" that they could take Stoke Central from Labour and "UKIP will win Stoke". They are reportedly concerned about "the embarrassment factor" of putting the effort in in Stoke and losing the seat to UKIP.
Labour's tax dodging trade union-funded hate campaign, Hate not Hope, has been distributing leaflets in Stoke making false claims about UKIP. They're scared that they're going to lose the election so they're using some of the money they got from the memorial fund for murdered MP, Jo Cox that was intended to promote community cohesion and fight fascism to produce political material for the Labour Party.
The bookies still have Labour as odds on favourite to win Stoke Central but well over half the bets placed through the Odds Checker website have been for UKIP. The longest odds you're going to get for a UKIP win is 8/5 at the moment which is good news for the election campaign but not so good if you were hoping to make a killing at the bookies!
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Tories have given up on Stoke and expect a UKIP win
Paul Nuttall,
Stoke Central
Tories have given up on Stoke and expect a UKIP win
Conservatives|Paul Nuttall|Stoke Central|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Tories have given up on Stoke and expect a UKIP win
Conservatives|Paul Nuttall|Stoke Central|