A man arrested in Stoke on suspicion of terrorist offences has been charged with 8 terrorist offences.
Kamran Sabir Hussain has been charged with 6 offences of publishing statements that could encourage terrorism 2 of encouraging support for ISIS.
The charges relate to Hussain's sermons at a mosque in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent.
He will appear before Westminster Magistrates Court tomorrow.
Monday, 20 February 2017
Stoke man charged with 8 terrorist offences
Stoke man charged with 8 terrorist offences

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Stoke man charged with 8 terrorist offences
Dave Todd · 421 weeks ago
It is obvious that two cultures are colliding here, and like history shows the once liberal countries of Iran 1972 and Lebonon 1975 when their tollerance allowed Islam to cause blood shed and then genocide.
This is NOT Islamophobia this is a clear rational fear that this will happen here in Britain. It's already started in France and the rest of the EU, This tollerance that is forced on us is asking the nation to commit suicide.
Where are our leaders on this issue a clamp down on these people not an general laws for us all because it P>C and cannot show we are prejudice. Spade is a spade deal with Crime and terror no matter who.