When Nikki Sinclaire had the UKIP whip withdrawn, she was told to stop using the UKIP logo and stop describing herself as a UKIP MEP. As an independent MEP she is not, under any circumstances, allowed to use the UKIP membership list.
So imagine my surprise when I received a letter from the office of Nikki Sinclaire MEP, with a small picture of Nikki on the top standing next to a UKIP logo.
I'm still interested in what Nikki gets up to even though she's not a UKIP MEP any more but for someone planning to sue the party for allegedly not following correct disciplinary procedures, it seems strange that she would not only ignore the instructions given to her by the party but also break the law (Data Protection Act) by using UKIP membership details without permission and for a purpose other than that for which they were collected.
If she really does intend to get in a pissing contest with the party, I think breaking the law trumps not following internal disciplinary procedures correctly. People in glass houses and all that.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Naughty Nikki
Nikki Sinclaire MEP
Naughty Nikki
Nikki Sinclaire MEP|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Naughty Nikki
Nikki Sinclaire MEP|
WONKOBONKO · 782 weeks ago
Nikki is educated in Law - Didums
wonkotsane 85p · 782 weeks ago
Q. Do I really need this information about an individual? Do I know what I'm going to use it for?
- She doesn't need the information because she's not a UKIP MEP any more
Q. Do the people whose information I hold know that I've got it, and are they likely to understand what it will be used for?
- I would imagine most members assumed she would no longer have a UKIP membership list as she's no longer a UKIP MEP
Q. Is access to personal information limited to those with a strict need to know?
- Nobody working for an independent MEP should have access to the UKIP membership list when they're doing their job as an employee of the independent MEP
Q. Do I delete or destroy personal information as soon as I have no more need for it?
- Evidently not
Q. Have I trained my staff in their duties and responsibilities under the Data Protection Act, and are they putting them into practice?
- Apparently not
Worstall · 782 weeks ago
wonkotsane 85p · 782 weeks ago
Dazed & Confused · 782 weeks ago
Worstall · 782 weeks ago
PMR · 782 weeks ago
UKIPPER · 780 weeks ago