Whilst unlimited numbers of people from the EU are allowed to live in the UK, the Home Office is spending our taxes appealing a judge's ruling that a pregnant Australian woman shouldn't be deported to Australia.
Katherine Tate is an Australian citizen married to a British citizen with two children who are British citizens and is 6 months pregnant with their third child who will also be a British citizen. Her husband, Dale, owns an electrical contracting firm and employs two electricians and two apprentices. The Home Office says that they didn't fill out the paperwork correctly to allow Katherine to live in the UK and gave her 10 days to leave the country. They appealed the decision and a judge at an immigration tribunal ruled that she could stay but the Home Office is appealing that decision through the courts and have even told the NHS not to provide her with healthcare unless she pays.
This is just one of the effects of the stupid immigration system we have where we turn away skilled workers and people who contribute positively to the economy and society to try and mitigate the damaging effects of open door immigration from the EU. The British government would rather have a thousand Romanian fruit pickers than a doctor from India, an engineer from Canada or the wife of a British citizen who doesn't claim benefits and whose husband owns his own company and provides employment for four people.
Why is the British government putting so much money and effort being put into trying to deport this woman whose only crime is to have filled out some paperwork incorrectly when they allow criminals, terrorists and hate preachers to live here because of their human rights? What about the human rights of this family which faces being torn apart because Katherine Tate isn't from an EU country? It's perverse.
Friday, 1 August 2014
British government appealing judge's decision not to deport pregnant Australian
Home Office,
British government appealing judge's decision not to deport pregnant Australian
Australia|Home Office|Immigration|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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British government appealing judge's decision not to deport pregnant Australian
Australia|Home Office|Immigration|
Achilles · 555 weeks ago
I dont think so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DICK R · 555 weeks ago