The Plymouth Labour Party is to be taken to the High Court over their election expenses.
Bungling staffers at Labour's head office sent out so many leaflets to addresses in the Sutton & Devonport constituency that the Labour candidate's campaign spent £6,000 more than they were allowed to.
The overspend isn't inconsiderable either - the spending limit was £12,500 which means they spent almost 150% of the legal limit.
Labour's lawyers are arguing that it's a genuine mistake and expect the judge to let them off. Two other constituencies were also affected by the same cock-up.
If the Labour Party can't run an election campaign without overspending then what hope is there for the economy if they ever got back into power?
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Plymouth Labour due in High Court to explain 50% election overspend
Plymouth Labour due in High Court to explain 50% election overspend

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Plymouth Labour due in High Court to explain 50% election overspend