A YouGov poll for the Times claims that 28% of UKIP voters wouldn't vote to leave the EU.
The poll should put paid to the increasingly ridiculous and outdated claim that UKIP is a single issue party when quite clearly it isn't if over a quarter of UKIP voters don't agree with the party on its core policy of leaving the EU. It won't though.
UKIP supporters are still by far the most eurosceptic of any party with 72% saying they would leave the EU. Conservative supporters are next with a measly 55% saying they would leave the EU followed by Labour and Lib Dem voters with fewer than 40% saying they would leave the EU.
Support for leaving the EU is consistent across England but the Scots are firmly in favour of staying in. It never ceases to amaze that support for staying in the EU is so high amongst SNP voters who apparently want to take Scotland out of a union that was conceived for their benefit and in which they have disproportionate influence but want to stay in the European Union that was conceived for France and Germany's benefit and in which they have little to no influence.
Thursday, 7 January 2016
YouGov says more than a quarter of UKIP voters would vote to stay in the EU
Opinion Polls,
YouGov says more than a quarter of UKIP voters would vote to stay in the EU
EU REFERENDUM|Opinion Polls|YouGov|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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YouGov says more than a quarter of UKIP voters would vote to stay in the EU
EU REFERENDUM|Opinion Polls|YouGov|