Sunday 1 March 2009

Shropshire Star: Appalled by Voters

This letter appeared in Friday's Shropshire Star:

Appalled by Voters

I am truly appalled that voters are deemed likely to vote in two MEPs under the BNP banner if the headlines in Saturday's Independent are to be trusted.

Just what is the matter with the voting public?

Why do they vote year after year for parties they cannot trust, with policies which they clearly do not want?

To me this is utterly unfathomable when they have a mainstream party whose policies reflect the public views better than any other - UKIP!

Les Arnott
Letters are a great way of getting UKIP mentioned in the press. Local newspapers might not have the circulation of the nationals but they're easier to get into and you may even find a sympathetic letters editor who will publish lots of UKIP or EU-related letters.


The Pub Consultancy Service said...

You are certainly right about letters we have four very active members who write all the time and we average a staggering 4 letters a week. One of our letter writers it is said has more letters published in various papers than any other UKIPer, which I can believe.

It seems to work in Swindon, which is evident by the fact that the new anti UKIP party is registered here. We await the onslaught but I suspect like most anti UKIPer's they will remain anonymous, like the cowards they are.

Anonymous said...

The Indie and such other papers love to talk up BNP, for their own purposes. Their support isn't all that.

word verification: liesses
