Tuesday 30 March 2010

UKIP Plymouth office attacked for 3rd time

The UKIP Plymouth office in Mutley Plain has been attacked by vandals for the third time in 6 weeks.

The shop window has a large UKIP logo on it and on all three occassions a brick or rock has been thrown through the part of the window where the logo is leading police to believe that the attacks are politically motivated.

So who's doing it?  Is it the LibLabCon, worried about losing seats to UKIP?  Is it the BNP, unhappy that they're going to be denied a seat in Westminster?  My money is on generic left wing nutjobs who tend to be petty, angry small time criminals.

Whoever it is is doing a fantastic job of publicising UKIP anyway, three appearances in the local paper because of politically-motivated vandalism is publicity you can't buy this close to an election!

Monday 29 March 2010

Nick Griffin caught lying again

The Bigoted Nazi Party has claimed that UKIP are responsible for allowing a piece of legislation to pass by only 5 votes in the EU pretendy parliament resulting in more taxpayers money being spent after UKIP MEPs walked out before the vote took place.

It's true that UKIP MEPs left the pretendy parliament before the vote took place and true that if UKIP MEPs had stayed to vote and voted against it that it would have failed but it is not a piece of legislation, nor will it cost the taxpayer anything.

The vote was on an "own initiative" report which has isn't a piece of legislation, doesn't change any law, won't be implemented and won't cost the taxpayer a penny.  The only effect of walking out before the vote took place is that the pretendy parliament was reminded of what a useless charade it is and Nikki Griffin looked is exposed (once again) as a liar.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Nikki: List

Whilst I have no way of knowing, did it not dawn on the previous author that she after 16 years may well have the personal contact details of friends and associates accumulated in that time, and would therefore not be breaching the Act.

As for the use of the logo, a simply question really, given there are so many versions, do they all have copyright protection, the party is not exactly hot on such things. Remember the butterflies.

Finally is it fair to use this blog to 'attack' Nikki.

Saturday 27 March 2010

Naughty Nikki

When Nikki Sinclaire had the UKIP whip withdrawn, she was told to stop using the UKIP logo and stop describing herself as a UKIP MEP.  As an independent MEP she is not, under any circumstances, allowed to use the UKIP membership list.

So imagine my surprise when I received a letter from the office of Nikki Sinclaire MEP, with a small picture of Nikki on the top standing next to a UKIP logo.

I'm still interested in what Nikki gets up to even though she's not a UKIP MEP any more but for someone planning to sue the party for allegedly not following correct disciplinary procedures, it seems strange that she would not only ignore the instructions given to her by the party but also break the law (Data Protection Act) by using UKIP membership details without permission and for a purpose other than that for which they were collected.

If she really does intend to get in a pissing contest with the party, I think breaking the law trumps not following internal disciplinary procedures correctly.  People in glass houses and all that.

UKIP Website Redesign

The UKIP website has had an extensive redesign and is now a vision of purple and yellow loveliness.

This version of the website is excellent, the voter-friendly stuff is in the middle of the top half of the page and there are big friendly buttons on the right with good quality images.  The website not only looks perfect in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Flock and Google Chrome, but it also looks spot on in Skyfire on my Nokia E71, almost perfect on Opera Mini on my phone and even looks perfect on the naff built-in Nokia browser.

Just a couple of things the purple web pixies need to sort out:
  • The blogs are inconsistent, they're on different platforms and all look different
  • The layout "breaks" if you increase text size

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Professor Tim Congden to stand for UKIP

Oxford educated economist, Professor Tim Congden CBE has been adopted as the UKIP PPC for the Royal Forest of Dean constituency.

Professor Congden is an expert in macroeconomics and the economic correspondent for Standpoint magazine.

The polls are closer than the LibLabCon's policies making the 12%+ "other" vote, which UKIP is going to hoover up, even more important in what is looking increasingly likely to be a hung parliament.

Professor Congden is a welcome addition to the line-up of excellent UKIP candidates.

Saturday 20 March 2010

Early Day Motion 637

Please support this EDM by asking your MP to sign it. The consequences of such an article do not bare thinking about.

EDM 637:

"That this House notes with concern that Article 69E, Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters, of the Treaty of Lisbon provides for the creation of a European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), a judicial body in charge of investigating, with the power to order national police forces to initiate investigations; further notes with concern that the EPPO will have extensive powers and will not be accountable to the UK Parliament; believes that the creation of such a powerful undemocratic body would show complete disregard for the common law system in the UK; and calls on the Government to ensure that UK enforcement authorities continue to have sole jurisdiction in this country."

Nikki Sinclaire MEP to Sue UKIP

It has been revealed by Jonathan Arnott UKIP's General Secretary that the party has been advised that Nikki intends to take legal action against the party.

This information was apparently communicated to the party at the Spring Conference yesterday by the BBC. At this time there has been no official press release either from Nikki, the BBC or the Leadership.

As a consequence of this no further discussion is to be allowed with regard to Nikki on the UKIP members forum.

Friday 19 March 2010

UKIP: Lord Pearson's knock-out Spring Conference speech

Have you ever heard any LibLabCon (apart from Carswell and a few others) speak the truth, the way Lord Pearson did at UKIP's Spring Conference today?

UKIP is the only party willing to tackle the issues that matter to people.


Before anyone accuses UKIP of being a one-policy party, take a look at its policies and its manifesto.


Thursday 18 March 2010

Bercow is the gift that keeps on giving

Nigel Farage's side must be hurting from laughing so much as Bercow hits the news almost daily being slagged off by members of his own party.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see a press release in the morning saying that Nigel had to be rushed to hospital and sedated after seeing this ...

Angry MPs plot to oust Commons Speaker John Bercow for ‘being a little dictator’

MPs are plotting to oust Commons Speaker John Bercow amid accusations he is becoming “a bit of a little dictator”.

Nine months after he was elected Speaker, many Tory backbenchers are furious at the way he is treating colleagues. He is also said to be losing support among Labour MPs.

If he were toppled after a 6 May election, he would become the shortest serving Speaker since 1789.

But Mr Bercow today accusing a “political mujahidin” of seeking to undermine his Speakership. He also defended his insistence that MPs behave better in the Chamber.

Opposition to him, however, seems to have hardened after he slapped down Tory MP Mark Pritchard on Tuesday. One Tory frontbencher said: “He's become a little bit of a little dictator.”
John Bercow really is the gift that keeps on giving.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Daily Express: Let us debate the real issues in the election campaign

Lord Pearson in yesterday's Daily Express ...


INDULGE me for a moment. Imagine an election ­campaign that actually talked about the things that really concern the British people rather than what the wives of the party leaders think about their ­husbands. What are the issues that should be tackled? What should the election be about?

I ask because this election will not be about the issues that really concern us: mass immigration, massive waste in the public services, crime, the European Union and our very democracy. These things will be avoided like the plague.

Why is this? Why is there no straight talking from those who fill our TV screens?

The simple reason is that the power over these and so many other issues no longer resides in Westminster, it has moved to Brussels. The promises of the establishment political ­parties melt away like the grin on the Cheshire cat once this stark reality shines upon them.

That's why they won't talk about immigration. The fact that 5,000 people a week are moving to this country to live, a city the size of Southampton every year. Last week all three establishment parties sang in harmony: Turkey must join the European Union, they said. You heard that right, not content with throwing our doors open to all European countries with the result that millions have moved here they want Turkey to join as well.

David Miliband, ­William Hague and the Lib Dems are all ­backing Turkish membership. Oh how pleased they are to be able to agree with each other. "Remarkable," they said and of course they are right. It is remarkable that they all want to give 70million Turks the right to move to the UK. Madness might be another word, or more like arrogance in the face of the wishes of the British public.

We should be discussing our public finances. The political class has brought our country to its knees. We look in pity at the Greeks humming and ­hawing about whether to apply to the IMF to bail them out. In Greece they are freezing ­public- sector wages (including for the highest paid politicians and the like), cutting social security spending by 10 per cent, closing down bulging aspects of the state and yet still the markets look with a wary eye.

Britain's deficit is similar but nobody is facing up to it. There is no mention of the £45million a day going to Brussels in cash, part of the £120billion a year cost of our EU membership, according to the Taxpayers' Alliance. No talk of a public- sector wage freeze across the board. Cosmetic gestures ­targeting the top 10 per cent just will not do.

The public ­sector has been deliberately expanded at the expense of the productive ­private sector. ­Public-sector pensions now cost each of us £516 a year while most private- sector workers struggle by without proper retirement ­provision. This ­iniquity will grow as time moves on and trouble will out.

The rise of the undemocratic quango industry must also be stopped. If ministers believe that a service should be ­provided it should be provided by the ministry. It would then be accountable and easily cut when no longer required.

Jobs and wealth creation should be on the agenda. Every­body knows most jobs in the private sector are created by small firms yet nobody is setting entrepreneurs free from the oceans of red tape which drown them. Instead we get more and deeper problems with forms, bureaucracy and cost. Our post offices close, our waste is not collected. We get equality laws that drive firms SDHpaway from employing women and lifestyle laws that penalise legal behaviour and destroy our pub culture.

We should be ­talking about the rise of political Islam. The attempted takeover of Tower Hamlets in East London by a radical Muslim organisation should be a wake-up to us all.

In a few years this country will be suffering from serious power shortages. Yet there are no plans to address this as the Establishment refuses to see reality, blinded by impossible dreams of carbon neutrality and the relentless swishing of 10,000 pointless windmills.

We should be discussing the horrifying rise in violent crime and why our legal system puts the rights of the criminal ahead of the wishes of the decent majority. Above all we should be talking about a serious ­devolution of power to the ­people and away from the ­political class with binding national and local referendums to make politicians do what real people want. The Swiss have been doing this for years and it is surely an idea whose time has come.

We do not talk about these things and more for one very simple reason: our political class is unanimous in its ­subservience to "Europe". Immigration? The EU controls our borders. Job creation? Business regulations are ­created in Brussels. The looming energy crisis? Environmental policy is dictated by Eurocrats. Why can't we treat criminals as criminals and ­protect our ­people? Because of European Human Rights ­legislation.

So why on earth are we not talking honestly about the very simple, very central argument in all this: our relationship with Europe?

This election should be about who governs Britain. Should it be politicians elected by the people of Britain? Politicians whom we can fire if they do not perform or prove themselves corrupt and dishonest? Or should it be run by ranks of ­foreign bureaucrats, unelected, unaccountable and immovable? Why shouldn't it be the people themselves who have the power to govern? To ask the question is to answer it. To answer it is to vote UKIP.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Vote for a changing future of fairs

The LibLabCon have announced their election slogans for the general election.

The Tories have gone for "Vote for Change", Liebour have gone for "A future fair for all" and the Limp Dims have gone for "Change that works for you. Building a fairer Britain".

It's not just authoritarianism, eurofederalism and economic illiteracy that the LibLabCon have in common, their election slogans are interchangeable as well!

Mike Nattrass MEP cleared by OLAF

Mike Nattrass MEP has been cleared unequivocally by the European Empire's fraud investigation unit (other peoples' fraud of course, not their own) after a spurious accusation was made against him.
Please note that the EU OLAF enquiry against me is over and I have been totally cleared.

OLAF (EU fraud office) found difficulty in understanding why a complaint had been made and actually refused more information from me, showing that I had followed the EU rules with care, because they already had enough.

It is very easy for anyone to start an OLAF enquiry in order to report "There is an enquiry" to undermine an MEP or to produce internet hate mail.

Many OLAF enquiries are started as a diversion. In my case derailing my UKIP Leadership Election chances was the target.

The allegations made by the Sunday Times implicated Nattrass Giles my former firm. Shouting "fraud" has damaged that business, to the degree that their bank refused them credit, having read the newspaper! In my case it caused an investigation from my professional body The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

There was no fraud whatsoever. Nattrass Giles, gave their services to me within the EU rules, without any fee from the EU allowances to which they were entitled. I want to thank them, apologise for the financial damage to their status and hope they recover.

I am taking legal action against the Sunday Times, as this is the second time they have written lies about me at a time when I was trying to gather UKIP support.

The firm of Nattrass Giles is also taking action against The Sunday Times.



Ireland furious they were duped to get a Yes referendum vote - We told you so!

After the first Irish referendum, the Irish were promised that they would not have to vote again if the EU didn't like their answer the first time. Well, they lied.

When the Irish were told to vote again, they were also told that they voted No the first time because they didn't understand the Lisbon Treaty, so the politicians would have to explain it to them.  Pass the sick bag.  That's a politician's usual mantra when wanting to ride roughshod over public opinion.

Why didn't they understand the Lisbon Treaty?  Because it was deliberately made unreadable by the EUdeceivers , as Amato, quite clearly, said so himself. The Irish paid no heed.

Before the second Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, we eurosceptic bloggers tirelessly warned the Irish not to trust the EU's 'guarantees' - that they were worthless because they would not be encoded into the Lisbon Treaty.

Accountancy Age reveals that the Irish are now furious that they have been deceived over the EU's tax plans:
Plans for a flat rate of corporation tax across Europe have been panned [Ed: not "panned", not "planned"] by Ireland.

EU taxation commissioner Algirdas Semeta floated a plan last week to bring in a common consolidated corporate tax base which would make taxes on businesses the same across Europe.
See, Ireland? They lied.

Detractors say this has come just months after EU mandarins promised there would be no fiscal changes in the pipeline which would affect Ireland.

Dana Rosemary Scallan, a No campaigner against the Lisbon Treaty told the Sunday Mirror: "A common tax rate was always the intention of the EU. Unfortunately, the eurocrats lie and they lied to us about that tax guarantee.

"Anyone who raised concerns about this was branded a scaremongerer. I hate to keep saying 'I told you so', but I've been warning this was coming since 1999. We've been deceived by Europe."
Yes, we told you so, too.

How will Ireland recovery now?  Will it face being run by the EU, like Greece?

Perhaps, Ireland, you should have listened to Nigel Farage and UKIP - the few honest politicians we have.

Monday 15 March 2010

Lord Monckton warns of Climate Change Treaty resurrection in Bonn

Please distribute this widely - copy it as is - or change it as you see 
fit, but please get the word out to as many people as possible.

Your freedom and democracy are in imminent peril 
for a threat that doesn't exist.

Lord Monckton warns us of the impending Bonn Climate conference - another Copenhagen, but this time, probably more devious in its conception.

Video produced on March 13th, 2010.

This is Christopher Monckton.

They're at it again.

The United Nations, having abjectly failed at Copenhagen in December of 2009 to impose upon the world a totally unnecessary, wickedly expensive, democracy-destroying world government treaty, it has now decided to hold an emergency meeting of states, party to the United Nations Framework Convention in Bonn and there, seven months before the next Cancun round, they're going to try to stitch together a deal to take democracy and freedom and prosperity away, worldwide, forever and, to make themselves very, very rich. And to make you who are watching this video, very, very poor.

Now why is this a bad idea?

First of all, government of the people, by the people, and for the people is a rare and precious thing. Very few countries around the world have it.

The United States in particular, has it, and has it very strongly. And if you carelessly transfer the powers of the government whom you elect to a world government that no-one will elect, and give that government supreme powers of taxation, of economic intervention, of environmental intervention, over the heads of your elected representatives in your country, then you will carelessly have thrown your democracy and your freedom away.

And you will have done so in the name of saving the planet from a threat which does not, in fact, exist.

So what are these representatives going to do?

They're going to meet and discuss how to take your freedom away.

What could you do about it?

You should telephone them. That's the way to do it best. That's what gets noticed.

Telephone your elected representative. If you're in the United States, you telephone your senators; there are two of them for each state.

Telephone them, in Washington. Try to speak to the Senator himself, or to a senior staffer. Do not be fobbed off with a secretary, or an intern, or receptionist, or telephonist.

Get throught to a staffer or to a senator - say there is no need for any climate treaty, and you, in the Senate, must understand that and must not pass any climate treaty.

Get on that telephone.

OK, you may have done it before. You may have done it just before the Copenhagen debacle.

Why did Copenhagen fail?

Because so many millions of you did ring your senators, and several of them got in touch with your President, and your President realised that the treaty draft that would have set up a world government would not pass.

And so, that treaty draft was very quietly dropped for a time; but now they're back. They're trying again. They will try in Bonn. They will try in Cancun. They will try next year in South Africa.

And if they haven't succeeded by then, they will try at Rio in 2012, the 20th anniversary of the Earth Summit that started all of this nonsense.

But every step of the way, and on every occasion, you must telephone, telphone your senator and say "this treaty shall not pass".

Do it now, because it's your democracy.

Use it or lose it.
You have until the 9th of April to call your democratic representatives - Senators, MPs and MEPs (although we know Nigel Farage will be on top of it!). Don't wait! Do it now!

Bonn UNFCCC timetable
Cancun UNFCCC date and the calendar of further meetings

Hat tip: Freedom-2-Choose  and CFACT

Reuters' coverage (Hat tip: Banned)


Tuesday 9 March 2010

Another day, another Tory broken promise

A year ago, almost to the day, the Conservatives promised to abolish all regional quangos.
  • Unelected Regional assemblies – abolish
  • Select Committees for the English regions – abolish
  • Regional housing quangos – abolish
  • Regional planning quangos – abolish
  • Regional spatial strategies and housing targets – abolish
  • Targets and surveillance of Councils by Whitehall and regional government – abolish
  • Many of the specific grants – abolish – to be replaced by general grant
  • Council Tax capping - abolish
Today?  Another broken promise.

This morning the Western Morning News was reporting a Tory U-turn over their promise to abolish Regional Development Agencies, followed quickly by Regeneration Renewal (majority owned by Tory Lord Heseltine) issuing a clarification from Caroline Spelman and Ken Clarke: Regional Development Agencies will be abolished and replaced with local development agencies formed by local authorities which may or may not be formed on a regional basis.

But what about the rest of the regional quangos?  The unelected regional assemblies?  Select committees for English regions?  Regional housing and planning quangos?

There was a long-standing Tory promise to abolish the unelected Regional Assemblies but Labour stole their thunder with that one and they're already going.  And the rest of them?
In a “Q&A” section at the bottom of the letter, the pair insisted they did not want to scrap regional agencies, saying: “We want to reform the system, not scrap it.”

Birmingham Post
Broken promise after broken promise, that's all we get from Devious Dave and the dishonest Tories.  The promise to abolish regional quangos was unequivocal, what the Tories actually stand for is not.

Monday 8 March 2010

Tories to nationalise independent schools

If you were ever in doubt that Cameron is no conservative consider his latest offering - to take independent schools into the state sector.

Why, in heaven's name?

From the Mail:
A David Cameron government would create a new breed of state-funded independent school with freedom to vary the national curriculum as well as teachers' pay and conditions.
Independent schools can do that already, so why would they want to be controlled by the state?  You can be certain that the noose will tighten over time, the government controlling more and more over time.
Fee-paying schools joining the state system would be required to relinquish their right to select pupils by ability and charge fees
How does this policy differ from that of Labour?

Will the Tories also pursue Labour's dumbing down policy?

Will it will become more difficult for independent schools to start up? Will they need government permission to do so?

Yet another reason not to vote Conservative. It surely can't be long before iDave and his leftie,EU-hugging pals are pastured off.
Perhaps the Tories want to lose the election?

Yet another reason to vote UKIP!

Sunday 7 March 2010

Could Tebbit become the third UKIP peer in the UKIP group?

Lord Tebbit has again spoken out about Bercow and Buckingham and said that any Conservative Party member should be free to vote for and campaign on behalf of any candidate in Buckingham because Bercow isn't a Conservative candidate.

Lord Tebbit said:
I don't think it's any business of the Conservative Party to instruct even its activists and members in who they should vote for in that sense or indeed campaign for.
Mr Bercow is not a Conservative candidate. He is an independent candidate. And it's, in my view, not the business of the Conservative Party to support independent candidates.
David Camoron has already warned Lord Tebbit not to encourage people to support anyone other than Bercow and threatened to give him the same treatment as Stuart Wheeler if he doesn't behave.

Camoron won't be happy about Lord Tebbit's refusal to do as he's told and I don't imagine it'll be long before Camoron boots him out of the Conservative and European Unionist Party.  I'm sure he'll be welcomed into the UKIP group in the Lords with open arms by Lord Pearson.

Saturday 6 March 2010

Another defection to UKIP

Hugely experienced Tory defects to UKIP

UKIP's latest recruit is a hugely experienced former Tory councillor and constituency chairman who has defected just weeks before the General Election.

Ron Levy will now campaign on behalf of UKIP's parliamentary candidate for Colchester, John Pitts. Mr Levy accused Conservative leader David Cameron of a "blatant act of deceit" by breaking his promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and says the European Union is leading Britain towards "economic and social abyss".

"Now, either David Cameron is too blind to see this or, for some reason, he refuses to reveal, he is unwilling to do so," said Mr Levy, who has more than 40 years experience as a Tory activist.

"The UK Independence Party embodies all the qualities, objectives and policies that I can support, many of which I expected to see in the Conservative Party. But, most importantly, UKIP now speaks for the huge number - probably millions - of people who believe that membership of the EU is destroying our country and who feel the time has come to leave."

David Campbell Bannerman, UKIP's Eastern Counties MEP and parliamentary candidate for South Suffolk, welcomed Mr Levy into the party.

"The great Tory dam is being breached as voters become disillusioned and disaffected with David Cameron," he said. "I expect a flood of defectors who see UKIP as upholding the true Tory position."

Friday 5 March 2010

Nikki Sinclaire: What is the truth.

I think we need to decide who is lying.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

UKIP on Channel 4 "Political Slot"

UKIP will have the 'Political Slot' this Thursday (March 4th) at approximately 7.55pm, after the Channel 4 News.

This is excellent news so close to the general election, a real opportunity to remind voters that we're here and that we're part of the mainstream.

Defiant Nigel Farage apologises to bank clerks

After being censured and fined by the EU for attacking van Rompuy in the EP, Nigel Farage refuses to apologise to the EP, Belgium and van wotshisname - and instead apologises to bank clerks.

The charisma of the man McDoom must truly hate!

Hat tip: UKIPer, Paul Renfry

The charisma of a bank clerk - Nigel has a point! (Hat tip: UKIP TV):


Tuesday 2 March 2010

Naughty Nigel

Nigel Farage has been to "the headmasters office" as he calls it to receive his punishment for telling Herman van Rumpy-Pumpy he has all the charisma of a damp rag.

His punishment for addressing the damp rag without due deference was €2,890 - the maximum fine that the unelected President of the European Empire can hand out to an MEP.

Suitably chastised, Nigel immediately called a press conference and is on his way to do an interview with BBC Radio Kent.

I wonder if we can get Naughty Nigel to call him Mr van Rumpy-Pumpy next time ...