Friday 3 April 2009

We don't need the EU Social Chapter

The "grass roots" Welsh Labour blog, Aneurin Glyndwr, has a bizarre attack on the Tories.

There's nothing wrong with attacking the Tories, of course, but you'd have thought they'd learnt their lesson from the Crewe & Nantwich by-election where they made such a big thing of "Tory Toff" Timpson, only to lose by a massive majority. The Labour candidate in that by-election was, of course, Tamsin Dunwoody-Kneafsey who is so posh she even has her own page in Burkes Peerage and hasn't had to work for years.

This attack on "Toff Dave and Boy George" is over the Tories' promise to withdraw from the European Social Chapter. This, says Labour, means the end of the minimum wage, holiday pay and maternity and paternity rights.

Aside from the fact that any promise on the EU that Camoron utters isn't worth the paper it's written on (it took 3 years and the realisation that they were going to get pounded by the eurosceptic vote in the impending EU election to carry out his promise to withdraw from the eurofederalist EPP group in the imperial parliament) we don't need any EU regulations to be guaranteed rights. There is no reason why the minimum wage, holiday pay and maternity and paternity rights can't be enshrined in English and Scottish law. There is no reason why we need EU rules made up by foreign politicians and quangocrats to protect rights in our own country.