"David Cameron seems to be wallowing in his own incompetence. He starts to talk about law and order on BBC national radio and then immediately manages to risk a criminal trial." said Nigel Farage, UKIP Leader. "By declaring that an MEP had been found guilty of money laundering he could affect the trail which has not yet started."
"How can any man put themselves forward to lead the country when they show such ignorance of the law? Announcing the verdict before the trial just isn't the way we do things here, whatever Cameron might wish to do to us in the future.
"He also talked about a fourth MEP who had left UKIP: this has to refer to the well respected Graham Booth who retired in order to care for his cancer stricken wife. To use such an event as a political football is the wallowing in the gutter." Farage continued.
"Cameron really does have to grow up and raise his eyes above the kerb and start to talk about policy. If he can come up with any policies of course, if he's actually managed to find any on Europe."
He also cited the description of UKIP by one of its former MEPs, Robert Kilroy-Silk, as a "bunch of nutters".
Nigel Farage, UKIP leader, hit back by calling the "nutters" epithet a bad start for a prospective prime minister: "Fifty-five per cent of the country think we ought to leave the EU and a seasoned politician would probably hesitate before insinuating that over half of the country he hopes to lead is insane."
Please all UKIP supporters should sign the above petition for PR voting at Westminster elections.
That way the likes of Camoron can't just walk into power while so unqualified.
"He also talked about a fourth MEP who had left UKIP: this has to refer to the well respected Graham Booth who retired in order to care for his cancer stricken wife".
This is an absolute disgrace and we should demand a public apology from Cameron. Graham has not left UKIP and I met and talked to him at the Exeter Rally. He served his country well during his spell at the EU parliament.
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