EU: a black hole of money and accountability
- £40 million, our contribution to the EU budget, leaves our coffers daily, disappearing into a European black hole. But total costs of EU membership are many times that, representing two-thirds of the £175 billion the UK will borrow this year.
- 14 years of un-audited accounts and a massive culture of greed and corruption.
- The dismissal of the auditor hired to investigate fraud.
These are a few of the facts that lead me to demand the referendum on the EU promised by both Labour and the Conservatives – promised but not delivered.
So how does the average UK voter, denied a chance to voice his protest, get the message through to Eurocrats who spend but don’t listen?
You do what I’ll be doing on June 4th: voting UKIP.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Just in case you were wondering ...
Stuart Wheeler is quite unequivocal in his support for UKIP in the June elections ...
Stuart Wheeler
Just in case you were wondering ...
Stuart Wheeler|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Just in case you were wondering ...
Stuart Wheeler|
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