That shows a rise of 13% in three weeks. Most observers are putting the surge in popularity down to growing voter disgust at the MP expenses scandal and the way the three major parties are dealing with the main culprits.
Polling experts estimate that 19% of the European elections vote would translate into 15 MEP seats for UKIP but with momentum building, they reckon the party could now be looking at support of more than 20% come June 4. At a similar stage before the 2004 Euro elections, UKIP was commanding 10% of the vote and ulitmately took 16%.
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage told the BBC not so long ago UKIP was on course to beat Labour in the Euro elections and the result would topple Gordon Brown. This now looks more than likely and even bookmakers William Hill have shortened the odds to even money that UKIP will out-perform Labour in Europe.
The actual figures for European voting intention were CON 30%(-4), LAB 16%(-9), LDEM 12%(-8), UKIP 19%(+13!), Green 10%(+5), BNP 5%(+3),
I can only hope so. I am not a UKIP supporter per se but I will be voting for them on June 4th. I would normally vote Conservative but their European policy is non-existent.
Hopefully a Strong UKIP result will send them a message that they need to start listening to the grass roots.
Mind you, even if they did I still couldn't bring myself to vote for Ed McMillan-Scott or Timothy Kirkhope.
If UKIP can continue this rate of success (which I don't believe they can) and get a vote as high above the polls as last time* and if Labour continue in free fall (which I do believe they will) it might be possible for labour to win NO EU seats in England!
How's that for no democratic legitimacy?
* Although last time, some people wouldn't 'admit' to pollsters that they were going to vote UKIP. This time no one seems shy of saying they will
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Heads Up:
The voters want to get rid of the treacherous snouts-in-the-trough Lib/Lab/Con.
This is their chance to voice their opinion on the fact that we never got our referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
A referendum was promised by all parties in the General Election 2005.
In the event this manifesto promise was not kept.
This has caused the public to lose faith in British democracy.
We want our democracy back !
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