The front of the leaflet has a picture of David Camoron in the traditional action pose - in the middle of a word, leaning over his lectern with his hand out in front of him in what was undoubtedly a sincere gesture.
Also on the inside is a table that shows the voting history of Tory, Liebour and Lib Dim MEPs on key issues. The fact that they've left out UKIP, the third pargest UK party in the European Empire, and put in the Lib Dims instead is amusing - they know that putting in a UKIP column showing that they've consistently voted against every major interference from the EU would only show potential Tory voters that UKIP is the real voice of opposition to the European Empire.
The policies the Tories claim to have voted against don't even stand up to scrutiny. They claim to have voted against the EU constitution but through their eurofederalist EPP grouping in the EU Parliament, they funded the "yes" vote in the Republic of Ireland. They claim to have voted against a bigger, more expensive EU budget - a vote for UKIP is a vote against any UK contribution to the EU budget. Voting to keep the opt-out to the Working Time Directive, against an EU army, against more EU control over our legal system and against the EU's fraudulent accounts - all very tenuous claims. The Tories are in favour of ever closer union, with the ultimate objective of abolishing European nations and replacing them with a single European super-state. And when it comes to the EU's consistently fraudulent accounts - who has a better claim to be tackling them than UKIP, with the auditor that the EU (former Liebour leader, Neil Kinnock, to be exact) sacked for exposing their fraudulent accounts standing as a candidate for the party in the south east euroregion?
On the back of the leaflet there's a "personal" message from call-me-Dave telling us to vote Conservative because they'll give us a referendum on the EU not-a-constitution. This isa lie - William Hague said they may give us a referendum if it hadn't already been ratified.

The Conservatives leaflet is full of half-truths, outright lies and false promises. Nothing they have promised can be achieved without leaving the European Empire and as David Cameron told his party last year, there is no way the Conswervatives will be taking the UK out of the EU.
So take the Tories' advice and vote for change - vote for UKIP.