Nigel Farage will be on Have I Got News For You tonight.
The programme will be broadcast at 9:30pm on BBC1 and is being guest hosted by the very funny comedian, Lee Mack.
Will Nigel top Boris Johnson's many hilarious, bumbling appearances? Possibly not but Nigel is a funny guy and I can't wait to see what Ian Hislop does to him!
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Nigel Farage on Have I Got News For You
Nigel Farage on Have I Got News For You

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Nigel Farage on Have I Got News For You
Doug · 782 weeks ago
Whats more ignorant than allowing a countrys independence to be signed away with the stroke of a pen.
Jay · 782 weeks ago
PolishBrit · 782 weeks ago
Lighten up! It's a comedy programme! Of course they're going to rip Nigey to pieces -that's what politicians were made for. Curiously, I doubt you would have defended Van Rompuy quite so tenaciously. Just because somebody offended your precious Nigey-wigey doesn't mean that the world is wrong and you suddenly have a reason to swing from the chandeliers, ranting complete nonsense about immigration.
Farage is a joke, as is UKIP. Just a bunch of closets racists who are extremely out of touch with what's going on in the world. He wasn't a complete waste, since he provided good material for mockery on the show, but I saw him as no more than another ignorant toff dullard.
That's right, I used my freedom of speech. Please don't hate me for it.
Peter Armstrong · 782 weeks ago
That's right, I used my freedom of speech. Please don't hate me for it. "
Freedom of speech is all good but when someone doesn't do research and really making them self look like a fool. UKIP are not racist PERIOD! you are thinking of BNP! Also out of touch with the world? As in what? you going to state something then explain why?
Not sure how you been watching TV much but for me in the US I can see the BBC are on a mission to discredit UKIP really hard. With other 3 main party's it's the same old same old crap.
Also Stating people out of the modern world because they not watching TV is a MAJOR FAIL! I don't watch TV because it's all ads and crap shows. I for one use internet for other entertainment but for a person to site and watch TV too me means lack of life!
I am all good for intelligent debate but your post doesn't come under that. Other than someone trying to troll badly and showing the lack of open mindedness and show a major lack of research skills.
Tony Rogers · 782 weeks ago
Out of touch with what? The new political reality? The elephant in the room of which the cosmopolitan mafia is silent? The fact of group identity and the danger the new reality brings, and has already brought in a previous incarnation, to Europe? The introduction of tyranny to the home of classical liberalism? The beginnings of the end of national sovereignty and self-determination? The replacement of democracy with autocratic bureaucracy? The betrayal of my English, Scottish, and Welsh ancestors that all this represents? The deleterious, nation-wrecking, results of socialism in Britain?
You identify yourself as "PolishBrit". I take it that, by "Polish", you're referring to an ethnic identity and not something to shine the furniture with. Indeed, more condescension from yet another self-advocating foreign hypocrite. Oh how, from outside their former prison, the post-EU Brits laughed as Poland was flooded with millions of Muslims from Turkey and elsewhere. "Lighten up", you can be the new Israelites! Condemned to repeat history, my friend, condemned.
Steve Halden · 782 weeks ago
Now it is mainstream politics, with all political parties agreeing that the numbers of immigrants must come down.
All the talk now is of a points system. This is supported by the Lib/Lab/Con, with the Tory Party adding a cap as an optional extra.
It is nolonger racist to talk about immigration. It is now mainstream politics.
Steve Halden · 782 weeks ago
There was a few jokes at Nigel Farage's expense, but it was all good natured and humorous.
Nigel came across as a good natured pleasant person.
He got one or two plugs in for UKIP, and as the programme was a comedy programme, that is all that anyone can ask.
Well done Nigel. Please get on the TV more often if you can.
Doug · 782 weeks ago