Wednesday, 28 April 2010

UKIP Election Broadcast 2010

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Steve Halden's avatar

Steve Halden · 776 weeks ago

Well done Nigel Farage.

UKIP are doing a lot better with their TV slots now.

The message is getting across.

The EU is trying to destroy our parliament at Westminster and replace it with an EU federal government based in Brussels.

I think it is at last sinking in what an evil thing this EU really is.
Ian Mckenzie's avatar

Ian Mckenzie · 775 weeks ago

48 hours to go and I didn't know which way to vote. I have always been a Labour man but they have ruined our country's economy and are letting us be overrun with immigrants, with no say so from us.I was tempted for the first time in mylife to vote Conservative (sigh). Having watched this video I have decided to vote UKIP. Farage is right; even if UKIP doesn't win, it sends a strong message to government that we want to opt out.
Where is the referendum we were promised? Rampant euro-socialism is a real threat to our British culture. Rampant Islam represents a clear and present danger to our way of life and no one seems willing to tackle the problem. Our once proud country is being sold down the river of multiculturalism and no one asked me if that was okay.
UKIP gets my vote...go Nigel!
Niklas Schier's avatar

Niklas Schier · 775 weeks ago

Ukip is the only party that can or indeed is offering the people real choice at national and local level.

As a British Citizen I was never asked if i wanted My country to be part of a European Superstate the way the Sovereignty of the people of this country has over the decades been trampled on by the corrupt political parties namely New Labour,Tory and liberal .

The people of this country really need a wake up call lets face it their own apathy to this robbery has been instrumental in Brussels success at destroying The UK in favour of lining German and French pockets at the British taxpayers expense an lets face the EU really is just about France and germany the other mebers are just the Cash cows.

I say now the the UK electorate this is the most important election you will ever have to vote in please dont vote for moreof the same and vote for a prosperous Britain free of EU shackles and Britain that will lead its own destiny not a Britain that will be led by the Criminals and thugs of The EU whose only aim is to line their pockets with your cash.
Niklas Schier's avatar

Niklas Schier · 775 weeks ago

Yes we get EU grants but we pay 30-40 Million a day to Europe and get a lot less back in Grants!

Remember The EU are only giving you back your money in grant form.

Vote for the UCountry The UK,your fellow citizems.your family and vote for common sense.

Vote UKIP.
Niklaschier's avatar

Niklaschier · 775 weeks ago

Sorry about the typoes a lunched keyboard.
Ian Mckenzie's avatar

Ian Mckenzie · 775 weeks ago

I see my comment wasn't good enough for posting but my vote for UKIP was acceptable? What; my comments about Islam and immigration a bit too close to the bone?
You have my e-mail address,care to comment?

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