Dear All,
It is with deep regret that following the disruptive actions of both Steve Halden and Robin Tingey, ( UKIP PPC's and Election Agents) neither of whom now speak for the branch, we have been regrettably forced to cancel the meeting at the South Marsdon Hotel on 12th April and there will no longer be a formal branch launch of either the local nor General Election campaign in Swindon. Any such launch is not sanctioned by Swindon UKIP.
Again, I apologise for the cancellation of the meeting which has been brought about by very disruptive elements within the branch.
Yours faithfully,
Greg Heathcliffe,
Chairman Swindon UKIP.
Monday, 5 April 2010
UKIP Swindon Cancel Election Launch
UKIP Swindon Cancel Election Launch
The Pub Consultancy Service

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About the author:
The Pub Consultancy Service is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

UKIP Swindon Cancel Election Launch
The Pub Consultancy Service