The other
Both men somehow got out alive and are currently in hospital. The pilot is currently in hospital in Coventry with possible spinal injuries whilst Nigel is in hospital with broken ribs and head injuries and is drifting in and out of concsiousness. Neither of them is thought to be in a critical condition.
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that our thoughts are with Nigel, the pilot and their respective families and in wishing both of them a speedy recovery. And Nigel, next time you want to get UKIP in the news, shave your head for charity or do a bungee jump - no more death defying plane crashes please!
Thanks to Gawain for the heads up in the comments that the pilot wasn't a candidate after all. He is a professional pilot with a similar name to a UKIP candidate.
The good news is, both Nigel and the pilot are doing well. The pilot's injuries aren't as bad as first thought and Nigel is already bossing people around responding to comments on the UKIP candidates website.