Nigel Farage has launched his Nigel for Leader website today.
First impressions? It looks good, it's well "branded" and contains facts, not just a sales pitch. Second impressions? Not the most flattering picture, too much emphasis on young people and in one of the videos he looks uncomfortably out of place while said youngsters eulogise him.
The site looks great and the written content is good but it focuses too much on youngsters. It reminds me too much of Cast Iron Dave's "hug a hoodie" disaster.
I'm disappointed to be honest, I expected a better website from the Farage campaign. I'm still supporting Nigel as leader but the website could have been better.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Nigel Farage launches leadership campaign website
Leadership Election,
Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage launches leadership campaign website
Leadership Election|Nigel Farage|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Nigel Farage launches leadership campaign website
Leadership Election|Nigel Farage|
@theopinionater · 752 weeks ago
Nigel needs to focus on the national media plain and simple, it's what he is better at. I have no problem telling people to put his name into YouTube but would never say that about Pearson even though he is a good chap he makes me nervous. Let's face it, the national general election drive was awful and it did not do the party or it's aims any favours. Watching TV interviews on UKIP was at times a very embarrassing experience and damaged a lot of hard work I had done convincing people to vote UKIP. Nigel had a plane crash but the part had a car crash.
Nigel has done a lot of the work already, there is a healthy archive of material on the Internet, it works and he is the brand. He needs to develop online campaigns more and push for it on a regional level also. For GE2010 my candidate had a facebook page, no information on it yet administrated by his campaign. I looked at the figures and I think he could have picked up a two figure percentage increase in votes If he had known how to use social networking properly, he would have been better not having a page.
I believe this demonstrates why Nigel should be doing the website the way he is, should be engaging he target voter and needs to be the one face of UKIP moving forward. If the videos of his who are you speech properly break online with uni students it's his face you want on the brochures, website & tv I can tell you.
Anyway, good luck Nigel, keep the talking straight, it's great to see you fit and well and let get the momentum in the party going again!
raymond jones · 706 weeks ago