The Tory Immigration Minister, Damian Green, has announced a change in rules that he says will limit the number of immigrants allowed to stay in the UK.
He says we need to be "more selective about who we allow to stay" and that he intends to "break the automatic link between coming to the UK to work and settling here permanently". He also says that skilled workers coming into the country "should expect to leave the UK after a maximum of five years" and that "in future, only a tightly controlled minority will be permitted to stay permanently, where it is in the interests of the UK to do so". He even says that the British government is considering only allowing dependents of immigrants to stay in the UK if they speak English.
Great stuff from Damian Green. No more Romanian mafioso trafficking young girls into the country. No more Polish plumbers coming into the country thinking we've still got a shortage and not being able to find work. No more eastern Europeans coming here even though they have no home or jobs and claiming benefits. Great job.
Except it won't apply to the EU will it? The British government are only allowed to be more selective about who they allow to stay as long as they don't come from an EU country. The British government can only break the automatic link between coming to the UK to work and settling here permanently as long as they don't come from an EU country. The British government can only make people go home after they've been here five years as long as they don't come from an EU country. The British government can only tightly control the number of people who are permitted to stay in the UK as long as they don't come from an EU country. The British government can only require people wanting to stay in the country learn to speak English first if they don't come from an EU country.
Damian Green, like all LibLabCon politicians and their policies on immigration, is a joke. Half a billion people from all over the EU are entitled to live here, work here, claim benefits here and they can stay for as long as they want, don't have to speak English and even if they commit crimes here they can't be deported.
There aren't enough jobs and houses to go around the people who already live here - we don't need any more economic immigration. UKIP policy is to ban all economic immigration for five years for everyone, even if they live in the EU. If we need economic immigration after the five years then it will be restored in a controlled manner, not the unfettered immigration introduced by Labour and continued by the ConDems.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Damian Green pretends to control immigration
Damian Green,
Damian Green pretends to control immigration
Damian Green|Immigration|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

Damian Green pretends to control immigration
Damian Green|Immigration|