Saturday, 21 January 2012
Jakob Whiten for Ibstock and Heather
On the 16th of February (that's one month's time if you aren't too good with dates) I will be standing in the District Council by-election for Ibstock and Heather ward in Leicestershire.
This is why there is a by-election and the Labour Cllrs reason for resigning form her seat and the District Counncil - I left that pompous and self-serving party.
Next Saturday and every Saturday we will be holding action days and it would be great if you could support me. I also need help right up to the election, so if you can, please help leafleting and canvassing in the week days.
If you think you can help, please contact me on or 01530 417350. We need to get the UKIP messege out there! The Conservatives and Labour can not be trusted, we are the only voice that will serve the people of Ibstock and Heather!
You can follow me on twitter: @jakobwhitenukip or through the hashtag #letsmakelocalpoliticslocalagain
Ibstock and heather. change,
Jakob Whiten,
Jakob Whiten for Ibstock and Heather
By-election|Ibstock and heather. change|Jakob Whiten|Labour|UKIP|

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About the author:
Anonymous is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

Jakob Whiten for Ibstock and Heather
By-election|Ibstock and heather. change|Jakob Whiten|Labour|UKIP|