Monday, 18 March 2013

Cypriot banks ordered to stay closed

The Cypriot government is yet to meet to legalise the theft of peoples' savings but as predicted, banks have been told to remain closed at least until Thursday.

The Russians are less than pleased about the confiscation which is quite openly intended to hit Russian investors more than Cypriots.  The Cypriots are even more unhappy and have taken to the streets to protest, directing their anger at both the Cypriot government and the Germans.

Meanwhile, the British government has confirmed that it is going to compensate military personnel and civil servants working in Cyprus who are affected by the (currently illegal) savings tax.  As if the EU doesn't cost us enough already.

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Like most people I am aghast at this move. Even if they don't go through with this robbery they will have denied people access to their own money for almost a week! That alone shows that the EU fatcats in their cosy bubble know nothing and care less about the people they are supposed to govern and protect. Even from their detached perspective it was a monumentally stupid move that could see a run on banks everywhere and at least far more distrust of them. More amazing still is the fact that even after this debacle there will still be people who think the EU is wonderful. I suspect that if Barosso and Junker stole the pet hamster from a little girl and ate it in front of her they would still love them and all their cronies!!!
The problem is, the money is gone because of bad investments and decision the bank made. Expert says that a bank bailout is the only thing that can fix or solve the problem.

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