As we approach the 'fools' day, merely I report upon current events locally. The current upsurge in support was recognised recently in the 'Gooshays' by election with UKIP taking 39% of the vote. On the back of this Lawrence Webb was subsequently elected. Thurrock and Havering worked together albeit disjointed to grab the 1st London seat, no mean feat.
The usual trivia ensued "its a flash in the pan" or "its a protest vote". One thing is for sure a sea tide of change in politics in our country is happening right before our eyes and like it or not WE are part of it. The burden upon ones shoulders is a heavy task to bear but that we must.
Today a painter and decorator stood shoulders with a truck driver and along with 10 or so other members helped to bring the total to 5000 leaflets distributed in Laindon and neighboring areas. No mean feat for a bunch of unelected, unpaid volunteers. The tired parties that spin their usual rubbish missed a trick some years back. Boots on the ground and talking with people trumps 'top down dictats' left,right and centre from the establishment.
The 'toots' from the horn of 'white van man' and being approached from passing motorists having spotted a UKIP rosette to stop and chat suggests WE must work harder to get our message out
It is my view the NEC and those of position within UKIP heed and consider the following. That is to say that 'grass roots' is the fuel and moreover provides the oxygen for the party to grow. It goes against current dogma that Globalisation (global) is the answer where 'local' holds the keys to future success imho, agree?
Local man Gregg Morrish fed up to the back teeth of the current administration at Westminster has thrown his support to the Thurrock campaign and accordingly we back him. Gregg @moggdm is now spearheading the campaign as lead organiser for Chafford and North Stifford ward. It's one of those areas that have been off the radar previously but now one which will be developed. All thanks to Gregg.
Canvassing today brought an interesting situation. We (UKIP) standing at a juncture noticed a Labour 'leafler', we were 5 and he was .....well 1, the look on his face. I smiled, said hello and was genuinely friendly remarking upon leafleting in the snow. Carrying on he went about his work and so did we. Being friendly toward those of different political persuasion is no bad thing me thinks.
Membership UP
Volunteers UP
Fed Up UP
People that want change UP big time.
Wherever you are ,you are not alone for in Thurrock and Basildon and *if* it represents the groundswell of opinion ~ 2013 is likely to become the 'tipping point ' for UKIP.
Peter Smith
Branch Treasurer
UKIP Thurrock and Basildon branch.
Saturday, 30 March 2013
March Madness? Not from where I'm standing.
March Madness? Not from where I'm standing.

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About the author:
@SmithPeterP is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

March Madness? Not from where I'm standing.