One of the reasons why it's so important to form a group in the EU Parliament is that it increases the number of inside men (and women) we have on committees, seeing first hand what is working its way through the bureaucratic mess that passes for a legislative system and having the opportunity to filter out some of the more dangerous and outrageous suggestions before they get to the puppet parliament.
Here are the committee appointments for UKIP members of the EFDD group:
Committee | Member 1 | Member 2 |
Foreign Affairs | Jim Carver | |
Development | Nathan Gill | |
International Trade | William Dartmouth | |
Budgets | Jonathan Arnott | |
Budgetary Control | Jonathan Arnott | |
Economic & Monetary Affairs | Patrick O'Flynn | Steve Woolfe |
Employment & Social Affairs | Jane Collins | |
Industry, Research & Energy | Roger Helmer | |
Internal Market & Consumer Protection | Amjid Bashir | Margot Parker |
Transport & Tourism | Jill Seymour | |
Regional Development | Bill Etheridge | Julia Reid |
Agriculture & Rural Development | Stuart Agnew | |
Fisheries | David Coburn | Ray Finch |
Culture & Education | Louise Bours | |
Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs | Gerard Batten | |
Women's Rights & Gender Equality | Margot Parker | |
Petitions | Tim Aker | |
Human Rights | Amjad Bashir | |
Security & Defence | Mike Hookem | |
Achilles · 558 weeks ago
Bernard from Bucks. 89p · 558 weeks ago
I must admit I was hoping to see Janice Atkinson and Diane James in there too.
After all I voted for them both.
By the way, who did you vote for?
Achilles · 558 weeks ago
Tthey are both lovely people. I met them both before they got elected. We should have got three seats in the South West. We got a huge percentage but somehow the greens slipped through and took the last seat. So we only got two seats instead of the three we were expecting.
I am especially interested in winning the votes of young people. There is a desperate shortage of jobs and house prices are far too high.
Bernard from Bucks. 89p · 557 weeks ago
Achilles · 557 weeks ago
Immigration is the reason there is a shortage of houses. The young generation need our help. They need a decent home and a decent job. Young people need to make a good start in life.
A decent home should not be a life's ambition. A decent home should be the starting point. We need more British jobs for young British workers.
Come and join the peoples army. Fight for a fair deal for the young generation .
Achilles · 558 weeks ago
The young generation are the flower of the nation. They will not prosper unless they get the support and encouragement they need.
The young people of Britain have been neglected. Labour's policy is to stop their benefits. That was not what young people expected when the asked for help.
We must try to get more British jobs for young British workers.
Come and join the Peoples Army.
Bernard from Bucks. 89p · 557 weeks ago
Achilles · 557 weeks ago
I am very pleased you are a fully paid up member. But I always end my posts with and call to the balcony.
Come and join the Peoples Army. Fight for more British jobs for young British workers.
DICK R · 557 weeks ago
Achilles · 557 weeks ago
You are probably right. But the latest Labour policy to help young people is to stop their benefits.
Labour has shot itself in the foot. And UKIP should take advantage of this blunder by Labour.
UKIP should recruit some of these angry young people into its peoples army.
We need good homes and jobs for all young people. Fight for a fair deal for the young generation.
UKIP needs angry young men, to fight the evils of the ruling elite of two old parties.
Long live the peoples army.
Achilles · 557 weeks ago
There are some very interesting issues that I cannot quite put into words.
1/ National debt has doubled since 2010
2/ Trade deficit is $111 billion dollars a year after accounting for invisibles such as banking
3/ This is $20 billion dollar worse that a year ago
4/ The NHS is collapsing under the weight of numbers
5/ The NHS was designed to get workers back to work quickly, but workers cannot even get to see their doctors in a reasonable time.
6/ The governments budget deficit is not coming down. And now stands at £107 billion pounds.
These issues are vote winners but it is hard to put these issues into words that people can understand.