The Channel 4 mockumentary UKIP: The first 100 Days has smashed all records for the most complained about programme, attracting over 6,500 complaints to OFCOM and Channel 4.
The previous record was held by Big Brother which attracted 3,784 complaints. Last week's Channel 4 hatchet job attracted 5,262 to OFCOM and over 1,300 complaints to Channel 4 itself making it the most complained about programme of all time.
OFCOM has announced that it is launching an official investigation into Channel 4 to determine whether they have broken the rules on "offensive material, misleadingness and due impartiality" and "also considering fairness and privacy complaints",
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Channel 4's anti-UKIP mockumentary breaks record for most complaints
Channel 4,
Hatchet Jobs,
Channel 4's anti-UKIP mockumentary breaks record for most complaints
Channel 4|Hatchet Jobs|OFCOM|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Channel 4's anti-UKIP mockumentary breaks record for most complaints
Channel 4|Hatchet Jobs|OFCOM|