Saturday 2 May 2015

Morally bankrupt Labour, Unite and Respect rally round fraudster Lutfur Rahman

The Unite union, the Labour Party and Respect Party are rallying round convicted election fraudster, Lutfur Rahman.

Rahman was removed from the office of Mayor of Tower Hamlets and banned from seeking re-election by a special elections court last month after being convicted of 7 charges of vote rigging, lying about his rivals, bribery and exerting spiritual influence. The prosecution called 100 witnesses, including council staff who were told to illegally collect postal votes to avoid being sacked and pictures and videos were widely published on the internet showing Rahman's supporters intimidating voters outside polling stations and even accompanying voters inside. He was caught bang to rights.

Unite's chief of staff delivered a personal message of support for Rahman from Len McCluskey, the leader of the union, saying that "Unite is proud to associate ourselves with Lutfur Rahman". George Galloway also sent a message of support describing the judgement "an anti-democratic, anti-Islamic and racist coup". Labour's Christine Shawcross, a member of the party's National Executive Council, is trustee of his legal defence fund and describes the ability of judges to remove politicians from office when they have got into office by breaking the law as "a disturbing precedent" whilst former Labour mayor of London, Ken Livingston, described it as "politically motivated".

The police are considering bringing criminal charges against Lutfur Rahman who has been landed with a legal bill of £250k which could rise to as much as £1m once costs hearings have been held.