Saturday, 23 May 2015

UKIP Bournemouth East are preparing for the EU Referendum Campaign already!

I got this email:

We in UKIP Bournemouth East have decided that it is imperative to keep our shop open in Pokesdown to use as a hub for this campaign, but to do this we need funds. One of our members has kindly donated a months rent (£450) which gives us a good start.

Whatever you can donate is going to make a difference. Our bank details are: UKIP Bournemouth East sort: 30-92-02 account no. 02617223. Alternatively cheques made payable to UKIP and addressed to David Hughes, 73 Lowther Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8NW with ref: GBO (Get Britain Out).

Thank you for your support,

I spoke to the local branch in Bournemouth and they are keen for this resource that is already set up etc to be used as a resource for themselves and surrounding branches/areas etc - both for UKIP and the wider campaign to get an 'out' vote in the referendum.