Thursday, 2 October 2008

UKIP Public meeting in Wombourne

A public meeting is being organised by the UK Indepencence Party in South Staffs, the main speaker on the evening is the UKIP NEC member, Christopher Gill, who will be speeking on the EU and its legal system, Corpus Juris. Christopher Gill is an excellent speaker and it will be well worth finding the time to attend the event. There will also be an introduction for the South Staffs UKIP PPC, Malcolm McKenzie.

The time of the meeting is set to start at 7.30 pm, the date is Thursday 23rd October, and the location is: The Civic Centre, Gravel Hill, Wombourne, Staffordshire, WV5 9HA.

For more information contact the branch Chairman, Mike Lynch, at: 01902 843471 or Tom McCartney:01902 844931.

The meeting is free, there will be a collection, a bar will be on for drinks and all are welcome to come along. The Civic Centre is an excellent venue and Wombourne a very pleasant place.