Daily Express are predicting a election meltdown for Brown.
LABOUR is on course to come fourth in next month’s Euro elections, the party’s senior MPs fear. Canvassers campaigning for the European Parliament poll on June 4 are detecting a surge towards the UK Independence Party.
Some fear even traditional Labour voters are ready to back the anti-EU party as a protest vote. But the public anger against the mainstream parties is not translating into support for the extremist British National Party, Labour insiders claim.
One senior backbencher said: “We really could finish fourth in this election. That is how low Gordon Brown has brought us. The voters hate him and they want to punish Labour.” Another Labour backbencher said: “On the doorsteps, people are saying ‘Voting BNP is a step too far but UKIP are getting my vote’.”
Once again we are seeing how the main stream parties fear UKIP. Let us hope the Labour camp are right.
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