“We are confident of getting at two MEPs elected in the North West and nationally we believe that our success at the polling booths could mean we will beat Labour into second place,” said party chairman, Paul Nuttall.
“That would demonstrate what we already know - that the majority of people in this country have had enough of being ruled by Brussels and it would spell the end for Gordon Brown.” He also expressed his annoyance about the ‘thank EU signs’ that spring up at regeneration projects all over the North West.
“There is no such thing as EU money. It’s just some of our own money being given back to us. Our membership of the EU costs us £40 million a day – that’s £2,000 a year for every taxpayer in the land.
Outlining the party’s policies contained in the manifesto, Mr Nuttall, who is the party’s chairman, said one of the main planks would be the end of unlimited immigration. “We would impose a five year moratorium on immigration while we establish just how many immigrants are here and we would introduce a work permit system for people with skills our country needs,” he said.
“The European Union makes 75% of our laws, and withdrawing from it means we can get away from all their rules, red tape and regulation. "This is not a General Election when voters elect a government, this is a European election where people can register a protest against the EU,
"So we are asking Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat supporters to ‘lend us your vote’ for this election," said Mr Nuttall. Mr Nuttall, who was flanked by other UKIP Euro-candidates at the launch in Liverpool city centre, pointed to the adjacent Trafalgar monument and the famous flag signal ‘England expects every man to do his duty’.
“And we in UKIP expect every man – and woman – to do their duty for this country and vote UKIP on June 4,” said Mr Nuttall.