Please support this EDM by asking your MP to sign it. The consequences of such an article do not bare thinking about.
EDM 637:
"That this House notes with concern that Article 69E, Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters, of the Treaty of Lisbon provides for the creation of a European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), a judicial body in charge of investigating, with the power to order national police forces to initiate investigations; further notes with concern that the EPPO will have extensive powers and will not be accountable to the UK Parliament; believes that the creation of such a powerful undemocratic body would show complete disregard for the common law system in the UK; and calls on the Government to ensure that UK enforcement authorities continue to have sole jurisdiction in this country."
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Early Day Motion 637
Early Day Motion 637
The Pub Consultancy Service

Comments (2)
About the author:
The Pub Consultancy Service is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

Early Day Motion 637
The Pub Consultancy Service